@PS4-Rocks-U microsoft had a 3 step plan with the xbox brand the xboxone is the last step in owning the living room and no one can fight the fact microsoft is now a runner up for the number one spot they went from number 3 to number 2 to now being head to head with sony in market share slipping from number 1 to number 2 back to number 1
@epicgameresearc the 17 million people who got halo 3 dont agree and the 78 million and counting xbox360 owners could not care any less about what you think if you hate the system dont get it
@Kristan1711 @Monsterkillah @Dbizzles dude microsoft had the first consoles to have netflix, movie downloads,game demo downloads , apps etc etc sony took everything from xboxlive
@kzookiller @emptycow718 that true i rmember back in 2005 the xbox360 was awesome from the os to the online the ps3 at launch was trash the os was trash and the online was a joke even the hardware was a mess 99% of the games looked broken or old resistance fall of man looked like a ps2 game it was fun but a mess
@MassacreMonk @emptycow718 @Kristan1711 forza,fable,halo,gears of war, kameo,banjo kazooie,perfect dark ,project gotham racing ,alan wake etc etc the only games i played on my ps3 is a hand full of games i have played many many games on the xbox360 that are only on the 360
@tigress666 even with the high price the ps3 was selling a lot at launch most people who buy consoles at launch will have no problem buying a xboxone for $500 i know i would get one if i could find one i could not find any pre orders for xboxone but found a ps4 pre order
@Deadlysyns87 @emptycow718 @Grenadeh its the better system that has no games i want other then killzone infamous but not anything mind blowing i think quantum break on xboxone looks beter then anything sony showed so far
@tigress666 @emptycow718 @Kamina85 @Grenadeh i got my ps4 pre order but if the only people i have to play with online is people like this at launch then i think i will be picking up the xboxone first also maybe i should the ps4 really has no games for launch all i will have to play is killzone after that i got nothing
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