@CrimsonDepartur @emptycow718 what are you talking about devs have come out and said it already the xboxone can do shaders better then ps4 just deal with it the unreal engine 4 is all about shaders and epic games number one selling game gears of war is a microsoft exclusive so you know microsoft wants unreal 4 to look best on the xboxone
The PC version will be better regardless if the PS3 supports mouse and keyboard. People need to realize by the time the PS3 drops PC graphics will already be ahead of it plus who wants to dish out 70$ for the PS3 version when it wont be as good as the PC version which will likely drop at 50$" go look at gamespot stories from 2005 ,2006 you will see all the same trash you people are saying today
@ungasbarabas the xboxone can do somethings better then the ps4 so saying its less powerful means nothing devs have come out and even said with the esram in the xboxone the ram in the xboxone could be faster then the ps4
@Deadlysyns87 @emptycow718 yes same thing with the ps3 everybody hated the ps3 in 2006 ,2007 people can feed this console war trash all they want i see microsoft selling over 100 milion consoles this gen and sony will do the same
@GanjaFarmer210 the xboxone has the better control and the better launch line up it also can do shaders better then the ps4 that means better skin and better fx etc most "next gen games " will be vary shader heavy so microsoft is smart they know what they are doing
all the sony fanboys are watching microsoft like hawks the fact they are watching shows they care so after all this fanboy console war trash is over all you have is games and microsoft and sony will both have great games in the long run most real gamers will own both consoles just like this gen
emptycow718's comments