@Ayato_Kamina_1 not really they will still have a set hardware only thing is you wont own it it will be stuck at a data center but what you are right about is the hardware can be more powerful but the reason for that is you will be paying by the month like cable tv and the moment you dont pay they take away your games
@EasyComeEasyGo sony= all talk microsoft is already showing off games streaming to a phone sony has showed the donut thats it sony is all talk also sony took almost everything from xboxlive
@rezaghasem @emptycow718 this is what you are playing on your high end pc sorry to tell you this is not next gen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QL5dfsN7kk
@rezaghasem @emptycow718 next gen is new standards being set in gaming just look at the face animation in ryse the face animation systems they are using in ryse has never been used in a video game ever now you say you are running next gen games but the truth is the only thing you are running is last gens engines on next gen hardware you are playing last t gen at 1080p 60fps
@nameaprice @emptycow718 not all people buy nvidia and for sure you wont see over 100 million people buying nvidia graphics cards but for sure the xboxone ,ps4, and wiiu will sell in the 100s of millions ati will be making billions over the next 9 years
@nameaprice @emptycow718 the reason sony and ms went with ati was the price ati will be rolling in money for the next 9 years and nvidia will have to hope people buy there graphics cards ati making money like mad for the next 9 years is a done deal
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