real time graphics here running on xboxone so ok the pc has more powerful hardware but who cares
@komuchen @emptycow718 no you are right fear had great ai but fear on the consoles had to cut no corners on ai
i see zero games on the pc blowing max payne 3 out the water crysis 3 even on a top of the line pc is stILL using trash AI AND real world physics
cool to know but its sad thatt after 8 years of current gen systems the best looking 3rd person shooter game out is a game built for current gen hardware max payne 3
the system comes out in less then 6 weeks yet all they have to show of the ui is some images we should know eveything about this system already
@AttackOfTheCat last of us,uncharted,gta5,gears of war,halo,red dead redemption etc etc etc pc and wiiu combo for the fail
@AttackOfTheCat for people who never got a ps3 or xbox360 the wiiu is a waste of money just get a ps3 or xbox360
emptycow718's comments