Well A Link to the Past was honestly the last Zelda game I honestly gave a damn about... but still... I honestly hate the 3DS and I've just lost interest in Nintendo in general over the last decade. If I had to play a 3DS game this would probably be up there at the top of my list but for the most part I've got too many other games on my backlog already.
Just great to see people taking a reviewers word as gospel and jumping on the band wagon to all circle jerk each other and get off calling a game sh!t that they themselves have had no hands on with. If it doesn't interest you then fine. If you want to take the reviewers insights and decide against a purchase fine. But don't go falling off the deep end and dubbing it and all PS4 launch games by extension sh!t because they don't appeal to you. It doesn't make someone dumb or an idiot because this appeals to them and not you. If it doesn't interest you then just keep moving. And if you're an XBot then take your fanboy flame war trolling crap and stick it where the sun don't shine. Good day.
@racerxgundam @endorbr And calling something a "bad game" is completely subjective. Its not the target audience that's the problem but a reviewers ability to recognize that they aren't necessarily a part of that target and to detach themselves from personal bias and recognize how a game might appeal to someone other than them.
@jawslover @endorbr If someone else would have reviewed this and scored it like this I would agree. But It's scoring on average 2 points higher pretty much everywhere else so I don't think so.
@Remi2521 Your point? I personally don't care for the Rayman games so it getting a 9 doesn't make me want to get it. Knack only getting a 4 doesn't make me not want to get it.
Got to say that I wasn't particularly interested in this before but this review actually piqued my interest. Getting it free from PS+ doesn't hurt either. I'll give it a go.
endorbr's comments