He did a good job leading us through after 9/11 and went south after that. He is the best and the worst president in terms of approval ratings. I however didn't think he was HORRIBLE just far from greatOblivionfan10agreed
eno_crux's forum posts
wow dude you are hope of abandonmentidk but gl. girls are over rated. video games> b!tchy girls
chloroform and a target Dante2710love that idea
Fallacy (that of circular argument) thus this theory is false however since god hasn't been proven unreal he may or may not be[QUOTE="eno_crux"][QUOTE="T_P_O"]
(1) The Bible says the Bible is true.
(2) Therefore the Bible is true.
(3) The Bible says God exists.
(4) Therefore, God exist."I love unreasonablefaith.com
"109. ARGUMENT FROM LACK OF DISPROOF (1) You can't prove God doesn't exist! (2) Therefore, God exists." Read the about section of www.unreasonablefaith.com and you'll get a link to where I'm getting these. I lol'd so many times.
Fallacy (that of Appeal to ignorance) hence there is no poof god exists, therefore god existsFallacy (that of circular argument) thus this theory is false however since god hasn't been proven unreal he may or may not be O rly? yes something that exists cannot prove itself real, and since real as in exists and the fact of truth are being used the same [equivocation] another fallacy dejustifies that argument in that sense thus his theory is wrong, take that[QUOTE="eno_crux"][QUOTE="T_P_O"]
(1) The Bible says the Bible is true.
(2) Therefore the Bible is true.
(3) The Bible says God exists.
(4) Therefore, God exist."I love unreasonablefaith.com
aye that be a good man but a bad pun If you think about it, my pun fits exactly with what I was trying to say. all puns are bad puns though[QUOTE="eno_crux"][QUOTE="MotherSuperior"] I think there is a God or some sort of creator, but I don't believe anyone has even the remotest idea of who/what it is. That is why I reject any and all religions. I lean more towards a living universe, one that is part of a larger, living thing that reveals itself in the subtleties of nature. And it certainly doesn't involve itself in our lives, judge, reward, or punish. A God would have no use for them, because they are human ideas. To think that humans could even understand their creator is in itself a huge leap of faith. Pun intended.MotherSuperior
Fallacy (that of circular argument) thus this theory is false however since god hasn't been proven unreal he may or may not be"28. ARGUMENT FROM THE BIBLE (II)
(1) The Bible says the Bible is true.
(2) Therefore the Bible is true.
(3) The Bible says God exists.
(4) Therefore, God exist."I love unreasonablefaith.com
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