+ he could have composited the render to a real photo , hence removing the most obvious fake part of this image, the flat shaded grid, which literally has no imperfections what so ever. real world tends to have imperfections on the surface.
@PS2fweak @enriK233 Whaat! Why would I waste time for such nonsense as to prove someone on the interenet that I am right? If you don't believe me then move along dude... i won't lose sleep over it . lol
Yeah lol... just a white grid as ground... and he has angled the camera as such as to not "show any other objects because it's close" typical amateur.,
@jflkdjs Yeah, someone saw the yesterday's leaked prototype controller and decided to make his own. And posted it online to fool people... and caught Eddie's eye, and you know this dude will take a photo of a potato labeled "PS4 controller OMG" and post it as rumor/news. lol
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