What part of this is nintendos idea?! the touchpad is ... a touchpad not a screen, and it's not as big as nitendos tablet "controller". They are totally different.
They have still kept the same shape. So yes it has totally different functionality than nitndos tablet.
@grey_fox1984 @scaperat1 GZ was proably a tech demo not intended to run a specific hardware, or rather an estimated perf btw ps3 & ps4. This was/is probably an effort not to establish what hardware/console it will run on. I't sort of looks really/too good for a ps3 game &/or it doesn't look that good for next gen(from my POV). So they could have taken this at any direction. We will have to see new footage to draw a conclusion. K.P could have definitely changed plans and make this a next gen console game.
But srsly if it's not next gen then it should come out this year(unless ofc it's coming out this year and I don't know about it in which case disregard my last comment)
Yes, they are focusing more on social features + better controls rather than raw power like the ps3. (from what I could read from some articles). I heard that next box will be even less powerful, but we'll see since everything is just rumors right now.
enriK233's comments