[QUOTE="erc500"] All those things you mention that are illegal have something in common. Can you guess what it is? By commiting them, you harm others. Someone having a joint in their living room is not harming anyone other than themselves (maybe)
The evidence for marijuana being beneificial is just as strong as the evidence for the benefits of alcohol in moderation.
And another thing, if cannabis ever became legal, the government would tax it meaning the country would be better off, not only would the drugs beout of the hands of criminals, they would have more money to spend on the infrastructure of the country and other appropriate activities for a government
Doesn't matter...the government is still telling you what YOU can do. You argument was that the government shouldn't be allowed to do so. Clean up your language and be more specific then.
Second...the maybe you added shows that perhaps there is a chance of harm to others.
I haven't seen any evidence yet that changes my mind about marijuana....if a report is biased it's definitely not strong. All the links provided in these topics are from pro use groups. That's not strong evidence.
Actually, the government doesn't spend that much simply on marijuana. The illegal drug business entails many more drugs so that argument is out....unless you are advocating legalizing hard drugs as well then there will be minimal effect on the so called drug wars costwise.
So your arguments have let you down and you have resorted to arguing semantics, you obviously understood what i was getting across but couldnt think of an appropriate response.
My point, just to clear it up incase any one didnt get it, was that the government shouldnt regulate whatpeople do when it doesnt harm others.
The "maybe" i added in was to indicate that taking cannabis may or may not be harmful to an individual not that it could be harmful to more than just the individual, sorry if that wasnt clear.
You havent seen any evidence that would change your mind? All that means is your ignoring evidence, being selective. There is no such thing as unbiased research, it is all funded by someone with an agenda. You have to exam each study and evaluate its merits. Most studies that are still creditable find no evidence of many of the harms that the government would have you believe.
You are never going to be convinced that cannabis should be legal, you have made your mind up.
Out of simple curiosity, have you ever tried it yourself?
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