TC, you're getting way too defensive about this. I'll agree that the melee system is far from perfect, but double kills happen all the time in every online shooter I've played (Halo 3, Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, and Uncharted 2) and I've played all of them extensively.
Besides, if someone comes up to melee you, throw a grenade at their feet and roll away. If you do it right, they'll die and you'll get away alive.
Double kills happen all the time in console shooters because servers are bad and a lot more people have cheap internet. Have you ever seen a PC shooter with double kills? I rest my case.
Thats another reason I prefer PC gaming not that console games arent fun. Im only defensive about this because theres so much fanboyism. Everyone likes to deny things about their favorite game or console. Its just a game. If theres something wrong with it, acknowledge it and move on.
Okay, I guarantee you that there are some people that never get lag in Uncharted 2. They're not lying due to fanboyism ... they just have great connections. I've only had a handful of instances of lag even though I've played hundreds of games. I use a wireless connection and my PS3 is two stories below my router. If I'm getting this minimal lag, there certainly could be some people that get no lag.
No one has denied that there is lag (that would be fanboyism) - they're just saying that they don't get lag.
First off Im not the TC so Im not sure what kind of lag he was talking about. I dont get the typical lag that you would get when downloading a bunch of stuff while gaming. In fact I rarely get that kind of lag. I do see A LOT of death lag in console shooters. And I doubt you can confirm some people never experience death lag in Uncharted 2 or other console games.
Heres a video of "death lag" in Killzone 2. Watch how there is a .5 - 1 second delay for the enemy to fly backwards after getting shot with a shotgun. This isnt my video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVUTDYuLy8ELag was brought up a while back when there was a lot of talk about Killzone 2 and there was the same group of deniers saying "the experience no lag whatsoever" and when I brought up the shotgun death lag, no one could explain. They ignored my point and continued defending the game. I have since then accepted that there are just many fanboys who like to deny things about their favorite games or consoles.
I have a 10 Mbps connection and I have tried other connections from other companies too at different homes and I get the same results.
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