Ultra? Is there really an Ultra?
erglesmergle's forum posts
anyone who says they dont care about graphics is lying. to me graphics are almost as important as gameplay. to some people, graphics is more important than gameplay. just look at how popular Crysis is. the gameplay sucks but people still praise it.
Ah i see. So when ps3 gets good sales, you care about teh salez. But when 360 gets good sales its "salez sukz!!1"
Yep, pretty much this. :lol:
Its pretty obvious you hate PS3, so why in the world do you have a Nathan Drake sig......
the guy is an obvious ps3 hater, but hes not wrong either. ps3 exclusive sales are pathetic. multiplats always sell a good number below the xbox versions. thats understandable but what about the exclusive sales? look at MGS4s sales. a game like MGS4 deserves more than that. same goes for all the other AAA exclusives like Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2. established IP or not they should be selling better.
look at gears 1 for example. that garbage game sold 5 mil. look at killzone 2. that game has a pathetic 2 mil sold.
Couldn't he use the crack on his legit copy?[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="Brownesque"] Because it's highly illegal. Someone will find you and clap you in manacles and send you off in the paddy wagon for violating their exclusive rights to distribute their "intellectual property." I think the problem here is a failure to understand the difference between "stealing" and violating a copyright. COPY. RIGHT. In other words one business has the RIGHT to COPY their "intellectual property." Intellectual property is just a buzz word they use to make you think you've violated some invisible law of ethics that says somebody owns a particular arrangement of bits. No such ethical law exists. However, there is a law in the books that says you shouldn't copy their software or they will destroy you. That's the one you should pay attention to.Brownesque
It's illegal.
Who cares? Im going to buy AC2 and crack it so I dont have to be online to play it. And Im not going to regret it at all.
**** ban this guy. its one thing to not be able to afford a nice gaming computer. its another to think your inferior $299 console is better than a real gaming computer. whats with the sudden outburst of these ridiculous threads? is it that time of the year?
i can download about 1 Mb per second on my PS3 which is what i pay for. ive done the counting and it matches up. i think its your internet. back in the day when i had slower internet i used to think my PS3 downloaded things really slow too.
From the GT video, it looks a lot better and this guy just confirmed it.
"God of War III's visuals handily set a new high watermark on the PlayStation 3, thanks to their insane level of detail, sheer scope, and impressive art direction. One key thing to note is that the game looks a lot better than the recent PlayStation Network demo. The static environments are gorgeous, and the Titans--living, moving environments in their own right--look fantastic."
He also went on to say "The package is topped off by some jaw-dropping lighting effects, smooth animation, and a steady frame rate that we haven't seen waver--even when things onscreen are going nuts."
Personally, I wasn't worried about the framerate, but it's nice to have a confirmation that it's steady.
Stig (the bald guy) said in an older interview that the final version would be 1080p 60fps or that they would try to get that. Definitely looks 60 fps smooth. But id rather have 30 fps with even more high res textures. Plus they could just use some cheap motion blur to make 30 fps seem 60 fps. yes?
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