@bobjones1980 hopefully they are good changes. One of our producers is trying new things. After watching this I didn't truly understand how bad I was jones'ing for this game/loot grinding type games until I heard some of the things I said. Its actually kind of scary.
@Tanares Tanares do the trick I said at the end, which is to go back to orbit over and over til you get an easy one. You won't lose your mission. I didn't earlier morning, I haven't tried this afternoon though.
@ramtracker42 @Erick @KamuiFei the strike missions are supposed to help get you vanguard gear per strike, but you can also max out your vanguard/crucible marks and get your rep up. At rank 2 and 65 marks you can buy a legendary glove or chest or boots. We'll have a more in depth what do after 20 video soon.
@label07 Just using an level 20 Assault Rifle rare, not a legendary.
I dont mind if they fix the low level mobs not dropping high level gear, but then its a game design change where they need to reward us for doing higher level areas. I started doing these methods because Strikes werent helping me get upgrades. (especially after I had max'd out vanguard/crucible marks in week 1)
Erick's comments