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pics and weddings

thats actually the computer room and the upstairs landing, not the living room. and the foos ball table is original from when I was a kid. still have the same balls, which is always fun to say. and I mentioned I wasn't sure how long I could keep both tvs together, and it lasted about a day, cause the wife wants the little tv upstairs by the foosball table. dam.

and if you keep up with me, I got another wedding invite. I can't believe. I missed three already cause this is getting rediculous. I am going to a reception tomorrow, and skipping the one I just go thte invite for, so that will be 8 of 12 this year, which is still too many. top that with 2 reunions and you have way too many expensive parties...

pics here

I forgot that I can't get images to post here from blogspot or from angelfire, and I dont want to sign up for another photo hoster, so I tried which someone got me to sign up for. Not the sweetest picture, but the important part is that I got all the systems in the same room and hooked up. Now if I could just get my wife to move out the computer desk so I could bring all the movies in here too...

video game violence and my blog

I feel it necessary to curse when talking about the conservative *$#@ers that are using video games as their current scapegoat for the nation's problems, specifically violence. Therefore the majority of this post is on my blog and I would appreciate it if you checked it out and commented. I could use some new readers.

Back to work, which is the reason you haven't found me on the forums lately. (and on another note, if I remember, I will get a pic of my new video game set up on here. while not the best in the world, it is kind of cool with numerous systems at my fingertips, even if I continue to only play my xbox...

i like crashing into stuff

burnout revenge rocks. I just wanna crash into stuff, is that so wrong...

and its almost the weekend. which means its time for a wedding. but with 6 or more games on my now playing list, this may be a good weekend to call in sick, considering Ive been sick all week, but too busy at work to stay home and play video games. for those of you out there still in school...stay there forever. in the real world, they don't let you "make it up" if you stay home sick. imagine work is like school, but all your teachers are the one d**khead that has pop quizes and takes attendance. stay in school. go to college. then go to grad school. working sucks.

resist temptation???

you must be talking about someone else...oh wait, Jeykl said I could NOT resist temptation. That must be why I also bought Lego Star wars, and am logging off to go play it. If will power were money, I would be broke...

burnout revenge...

I got burnout revenge, because I have no willpower. I am going to go play it now. KOTOR 2, Fable, Jade Empire, Timesplitters FP, Tiger Woods 05, and GTA SA can wait. Man I need a week of sick days...especially since I still want to get God of War and Lego Star Wars, and go back and finish Resident Evil 4. And read those 100 books or so I've got piled up...not enough time, not enough time.

RPG = Crack

I find it hard to believe that people are dying and killing because of MMORPG, but I can relate to the feeling that you just can't stop playing. After a pretty fun drink-fest on friday called my wife's reunion, I got to stay home saturday and play video games as she recovered. When it was 4 in the morning and I was still playing Fable, I realized how addictive RPGs still are for me, and how they are getting more addictive as they get better and more involved. I bought Jade Empire too, and still have to finish Fable and KOTOR 2...And burnout revenge comes out next week. It's about time I finally got to play some video games again.

SW and Fable

SW: Jedi Quest books #8,9, & 10 finished. I must say, that there is a reason these books are going for more than cover price on ebay. You can't find them for less than cover price even though they are over a year old, and they have more backstories, spoilers, and hints about the fall of Anakin to the dark side then you could find in even a full size novel.

  • #8 The Changing of the Guard: The jedi go off to try and capture Jenna the crazy scientist again, and again they do not. She begins to team up with Granta Omega, the biggest enemy to the jedi besides the unknown Sith they begin to sense is directing all this. Good book, and the beginning of the end of the series.
  • #9 The False Peace: An attack on the Senate itself, which started wiith Jenna's experiements in the last couple books, and is all about Xanatos's plan that Jenna and Granta are following. It is strange to know who the bad guy is when everyone in the book does not, but this time there are deaths, and they aren't the last to plague the jedi order in the coming years...
  • #10 The Final Showdown: Following the two evildoers (I always wanted to say that) to Korribon, the home of the Sith Valley of the Dark Lords, Obi Wan and Anakin, and 3 other jedi teams hunt Granta and Jenna for the last time in the series. I won't tell you who dies or what happens, but this book was the best of the series. Anakin can't handle the pressures, and everyone is right to say he shouldn't have been trained. You can see everything leading up to the movies, and his fall to the darkside...

As for non book related news, I got a little farther in Fable and KOTOR 2, but with my sister in town, I played Mario Kart instead of RPGs last night, and am planning to go back into the living room to watch some Battle of the Network Reality Stars and then Kathy Griffen's Life on the D-list season finale. I hate reality shows, but my wife was able to suck me into these two. they are pretty entertaining.

this isn't working, well kinda

Thinning the friends list did stop a lot of invites, but unfortunately, it looks like being a member of a union opens you up to further invites, because my last 5 invites have been from people not on my friends list, but that are in my unions...So I would say goodbye to DarthSlayor for his generous invite to the Legendary Marvel and Capcom Union, but he is not on the list, so can't be removed.

As for actual news, EB games is offering a pretty good deal for trade-ins. $3 extra per game on trade-ins when you trade in at least 3 games, $4 each for 4 games, and $5 for 5 games or more. So I thought why not, I don't time for a bunch of these games, and I don't have time to list on ebay and mail off and wait for payment, etc. so I traded in these games. $80 was about what I would have hoped to get on ebay, and although I might have got more, I might have got less too, so this works. And after $5 credit towards Burnout Revenge, thats another $75 towards my 360. Too bad I will still be forking over crazy amounts of money...

  1. World Championship Poker - Okay game, but slow. I like party poker better. And would rather play Tiger Woods or Halo 2 on XBL. Trade in $10.00
  2. Halo - Greatest game until Halo 2. I don't see myself playing this, and although I should have saved it to sell with my original xbox, I forsee my original xbox being rendered useless eventually, or modded, so I don't really need this. Trade in $2.25 (only game that was excluded)
  3. SW: KOTOR - best game of 2003 I think. I'm playing the 2nd one, and don't have time to finish the last 1% of the game, or go through the game on the dark path, so $10 sounds good to me.
  4. Outlaw Golf - Couldn't get into this one. Fun idea, but I have too many games and Tiger is more fun. $6.00
  5. Silent Hill 2 - after 45 minutes, I was still bored. Bought it for $5.00, traded in for $7.00. nice.
  6. Oddworld: Munchs Oddysee - never got off my ass to try this game, but bought it for $5.00, traded for $6.00.
  7. SSX3 - very fun, but I dont have the time to really get into this game. And since I haven't snowboarded in 2 years, the appeal is gone. trade in $8.00
  8. Burnout 3 - I don't like straight racing games. I like mario kart, and I love burnout though. This game rocked, and I would keep playing it, excpet I am getting BO: Revenge this month. traded in $12.00
  9. Tao Feng - Okay fighting game, traded in $7.00
  10. Spy vs Spy - I was really hyped for this game, especially aat $19.99. Got stuck half way, and didnt enjoy the game on live. traded for $12.00

all in all, not a bad trip to the mall. Plus EB is having a pre-release party next weekend, so I will probably go back and hear what their various sales pitches are for the $700 package and $600 package, but I probably will stick with the $400 version, and preorder PDZero (360) and TW 2006 (xbox), trade in Tiger 2005 and maybe Doom 3, and a few others to get the extra $5 each, and then just play the one 360 games and the RPGS and TW and BO on my 360 in a couple months...

too too busy

quick version. work sucks.

whoops, not buckhalter, Westbrook.

had fun at wedding, got too drunk. pics on website and blog tonight. or

KOTOR 2 is fun, but I may quit if my xbox keeps acting up. freezing and/or almost freezing, combined with the horrendous load times every couple minutes if you go into a new those suck.

ive got fable and jade empire now (and timesplitters FP) so i may just skip the second half of KOTOR 2...