last post comments - unplayed games on old systems??? if we are including those, then increase that number of unfinished games I still own to about 30-50, depending on if you throw the PC games in there too. I've bought more games this summer than I have finished in the last few years combined...
xbox360 - I'm still undecided on the two choices. But seeing how I am going to need the hard drive and the headset, it only makes sense to just shell out the $400 instead of the $300. But now we are talking at least $500 at release if you buy a game and include tax. Damn, I may cancel my pre-order and wait for a year if my current xbox doesn't crap out on me. Its been acting up more and more, almost as if it was programmed to fail just in time for the xbox 360.
KOTOR 2 - This game is getting good, since I got to play about 4 or 5 hours last night. So far there are new cooler force powers, more upgradeable everything, and influence on your party members. But I have one complaint that I feel like I can't answer a question for fear of the plot line going off in a direction I didn't want. I'm thinking maybe I should play with a walkthrough, but I hate doing that. I mean it couldn't help me beat the end of the last KOTOR, so all its going to do is make the game longer as I read through and try to answer the endless conversations the same as the guy who wrote the walkthrough. Hopefully I will get to try a little more tonight, and maybe sunday.
weekends - No wedding this weekend, but a BBQ and hopefully some golf in my near future. It's only rained like 2 half days in the past month, which is crazy for Longview, and means my wife or I spend at least 20 min a day watering all those new plants and the new lawn. Of course we also now enjoy the new stainless grill and the hot-tub a lot more, so I guess the $5k we spent paid off...kinda. I need a big screen and xbox out on the deck.
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