My problem with Overwatch is there is nothing as story, etc to play with it. It is a very advanced arena more like it, with multiple mods and intense battles.
I personally not a big fun of arenas... But Its very enjoyable, fluid gameplay and fun, but after 5-10-20 rounds you stop, there is no depth to keep me all day playing that. I played the free period of time few days ago and I was about to buy it but I found it very expensive for just an arena even with 19 euros. Overwatch is the mmo pvp paradise, that is why many millions playing, all those pvp lovers in mmos. I play as pve/pvp in mmos so, I miss that in Overwatch. I play mmos with open world pvp for the challenge, not fun of the arenas. I loved vanilla wow with open world pvp.
Well, at least they can built the Overwatch mmo now coming out from it! Easier task than from scratch.
ask them how much they paid for those 80+ scores. Its a game you dont want to play, or you MAY load in your computer once or twice a week. Mass effect 1-2 are games you loved to play all the time and angry when they finished, because you wanted more.. lol
Yesterday I saw a video with proofs that BIOWARE did this deliberately. The alpha version of mass effect andromeda, did have amazing textures and facials, but for a reason they sold to white people a crap, they may enjoy that. Bioware is a known racist company against white people. Internet is filled with articles and videos about it. At the same time they stop making games for gamers, they promote political agendas.
Type inside youtube search box Alpha version of mass effect andromeda and check it yourself with a split screen comparison same scenes alpha/final versions. I dont think I will ever spend a single penny for their games anymore.
I may become a baker when 3xxx version comes out. Right now it doesnt offer me what I want. 3xxx version promises a fully factional solar system. 4xxx version promises 4-5 fully factional solar systems... That would be a safe bet for baking :)
sad that its mobile and not that strong as the others. I would may think of it in the next upgrade. They could add some sauce in the dock thingy, they didnt. But great that they doing good, I just quit mobiles long ago, its a personal thing.
1) I would love them all with open worlds and minimal to zero loadings.
2) I would love them with character creator and live my war story. Give me the chance to attach with my character, dont just give me a preset.
3) To have a short of base and in that base I can do rpg stuff (craft things, upgrade, play mini games, 3rd person, exercise/gym, recruit soldiers, romance, bars, girls, strippers.. lol
4) Choices? To become a traitor, a lonely warrior who kills them all.. lol
5) And when we play campaign to be moding friendly. When online all mods to be deactivated.
Everything else to be the way it is... I dont mind... but give them some extra sauce, its boring to be always the same thingy.
I am buying a new pc so I may get it in order to test my new thingy...
I think bioware is poking the cracking teams... now more teams will try to crack it. I am also a 100% certain that bioware said the same thing about the vanilla andromeda (that nobody made it to crack it).
The reality is, CPY never cracks for second time the same game. This team will wait for many patches to come and extra content (because the demand is high for andromeda), to worth their efforts to crack it again... In 6 months or so.
So maybe bioware is using this tip in order to inform the uninformed that their DENUVO is (not) working. So dont delay Bioware, release some content already, not only to fix the un-fixed.
In addition Nexus moding already released skins and patches for cosmetics.
They should invest more in quality gaming, that denuvos and propagandas. Witcher 3 without drm is the best pc selling game.
I said anything more than 400$ shouldn't exist as a console, so I gave a price point is it? 500 is an extreme price for such a cheap hardware (raw hardware), I do understand why people run in consoles over a pc, its all about hustle and knowledge, so they compromise everything instead of learning. :)
I am not against consoles, one of my greater gaming experiences are from ps2.
You also need an HDD or HDDs in consoles as well (they do provide some space for saves, but with 2-3 games you need another hdd) and spending 30bucks for 1 as a starters isnt that much. Other than that a copy of windows, well I am a uni student and its free for me any copy i want.. so I forgot about it. All new pc builts come with a copy of windows is it? As for the 150fps in a game, it means feature proof... When scorpio 10 comes out, this pc will still beat it.. lol
And you can do so much more with the above... You can achieve 150 fps at 1080p and solid 60fps in 4k with this built and it also provides multitusking... lol
1600x may be extreme 95w with lots of oc features, Ryzen 1600 that is even cheaper would due...
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