Mass effect 1 was amazingly good, I could do so many good stuff even if I didnt want to progress story, mass effect 2 was good too but 3 and this... its like trash...
X1 and ps4 use mobile cpus as well... Market has plenty of laptops with arm cpu. If nintendo decides to add some horse power into that machine, they could win easy xbox1 in horsepower and graphics power, with a single arm cpu. Nvidia arm x2 chip is better than x1. But they said its heavily modified.
either ways I stop playing mobile long ago, so its not actually my cup of tea. There is new rumors out already by a girl called Laura Dale (they consider her as a valid nintendo source), the docking system adds more horse power? So maybe they have dual arm cpu? Who knows, time will tell.
The docking system is smart idea, if they use it for upgrading the hardware, instead of buying a whole console.
did they add an auction house? No? so my personal opinion about it still stands :-). That is why I left, they should give an auction house and not to force you enter and bind ur entire account into guilds. This cancels the essence of an mmo, erases from the map all solo players and its unplayable because you cannot sell. Or you sell stuff and progress in a much lower rate nearly to zero.
If the production didnt liked auction house idea, they should give to all players a personal vendor to sell their staff, like skyrim and ur personal spouse but more advanced, dont tell me thats not possible, because archeage as example does much more than that in the economy thing... to act like a little personal shop. The distribution of goods between guilds alone, does not appeal to me.
Also I didnt liked then, the idea to play the content of other alliances, but that was a minor issue compared to the economy thing. I havent logged since but I do hear about it, havent changed.
Other than that, the game was great back then... but the things above killed it for me.
I never played god of war with Kratos because I find it a sci-fi manipulation of real stories and myths.. lol
Kratos is one of the sons of one of the most powerful and ancient goddesses in the universe. Much more ancient than Perseus and Medussa era. It is said the spyral of the whole cosmos that all universes are inside it, its like waters and its the waters of immortality. These waters are ultradimensional and all gods fear Stigos, because she controls these waters. These waters can give you eternal death or eternal life. Gods used it as a punishment to other gods as well...
Seeing Kratos against gods and getting like an old man and dragons fly by him, looks so reptilian fantasy/sci-fi thing, a dragonian fantasy thing... Stigos and her family are Zeus allies and there is no way any little dragon to dare fly by them... Powerful gods and little weak dragons, dont fit. These Gods always had dead reptiles for their hobby...
@bladev1: I think gta5 is better because it touches the russian likes and market as well. Not every western game is successful there. Fallout 4 gives much more freedom and space...
Bethesda needed this, due to recent (past) failures with some titles.... But I cannot still understand their obsession with drm policies. Its not working its a fact...why they do it, or why they dont give user choice. CDPR surpass all expectations with witcher 3 and its DRM free.
ermacos' comments