@bledsoe45sbc @ernelson1976 Like what? They can't change the hardware, the architecture, the slate of games set for the launch window, the online services (they could be tweaked but not changed at this point). Nearly everything has six-eight month lead times--changes now would not only delay the console release, but potentially scuttle launch-window games. Not going to happen. Any changes we see now will be policy changes, not console hardware or feature changes.
@LindBergh2007 @ernelson1976 That's why I'm hesitant to believe they weren't ready. I think they were more surprised by the angry tone than by the timing.
@bledsoe45sbc @ernelson1976 @LindBergh2007 @Gr3gSolidus @Dannystaples14 That shouldn't stop them from talking about what their plans are, even if those plans are subject to change. We've heard nothing at all.
@Gr3gSolidus @ernelson1976 @LindBergh2007 @Dannystaples14 Which tells me that it might have been Sony that was jumping the gun, not MS. Which explains why they haven't shown the console itself yet. This makes me worried, but I'm assuming they'll have more to say at E3. If not, Sony may well be in trouble. We won't be sure until later.
@bledsoe45sbc They've made public statements. If they change their mind, there will be PR hell to pay. They'll face a lot of pressure not to ratchet any of these things back.
@LindBergh2007 @ernelson1976 @Gr3gSolidus @Dannystaples14 The Gaikai stuff bugs me, because they've "promised" that they "might" "eventually" do backward compatibility in the cloud, but no details.
@bledsoe45sbc MS has already made announcements on almost all of those. They're committed. Sony is equally committed on used games. But hard features? Way too late. I just don't think anyone is going to choose one console over the other based on whether a camera is required or not.
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