I know a lot of gamers, but not a single one is eager to drop $500 on a new console. They're all *interested*, in that they want to see what the new platforms have to offer. My impression is that they're mostly waiting to see what the consoles look like, what new games there will be, and how much better they look, before deciding what to do.
I think "starving" is the wrong word. Curious, maybe. It could be that my set of friends isn't representative (we're all in our thirties and forties), but we're more interested in quality games than new consoles right now.
Good luck defending that before the Supreme Court. It's a prior restraint on free speech, Biden you idiot. Jeeze. And while I have no particular animosity toward religious leaders in general, and I have no problem with them telling me what they might think of my behavior and the state of my soul (everyone's got an opinion) they really ought to stop short of using law to impose their viewpoint on others. It takes them from being merely irritating (which I can deal with) to being outright fascist. They can go **** themselves. Biden, too, for courting such idiocy.
@res123123 @canadian_sharky Human Revolution was a decent game with some major flaws. The same can be said about Tomb Raider. The problem isn't really the games, it's that the publisher doesn't know how to set realistic expectations for the North American and European markets.
It's got to be the industry--it can't *possibly* be that they spent too much making their games. If a game is selling millions of copies and it still can't make back its investment, it's a budgeting problem. But Square Enix seems a bit like Nintendo in this way--you can blame foreign markets all you want, but it's their business to understand those markets. Failing to understand them is their own problem, not anyone else's.
30 kids? Way too small a sample size. No to mention that relying on self-reporting for video game exposure (or anything in any study) just isn't reliable. Next.
I have no doubt there are ways to make microtransactions work in single-player games without them becoming irritating, but I haven't seen publishers embrace any. I'm perfectly willing to pay $50-60 for single-player games at this point. I don't think every game will embrace the new model. And I wonder--if we were given the choice of free-to-play w/microtransactions or full-price pay, it might vary based on the title. So, I pick up a new free-to-play game, and I know that I could probably spend up to what I'd pay full price for on microtransactions. It sounds like a decent tradeoff--I can pay what I like, for what I like. Or pay little-to-nothing. Honestly, I have no idea what I'd do in that position. It really depends on the game. But until we see a real AAA game actually do this, I don't think we know how the market will respond. In this case, I can see why a big publisher like Activision might remain skeptical.
@Gravity_Slave @ghost590 Great, another idiotic ad hominem :/ Not everyone likes multiplayer. Spend a few hours on Xbox Live and you'd know why. I'm not sure Wolfenstein *should never* have multiplayer--it's part of the game's history--but the lack of multiplayer doesn't mean much to me. I'd rather have a solid single-player experience. Multiplayer shooters bore me to tears. But that's just me.
This should be interesting. I was a bit skeptical when I heard about it, but this eases my concerns. A bit. I'm not sure how innovative this will really be, but any shooter that's not focused so single-mindedly on action over exploration and adventure definitely catches my attention. As does the seeming move away from cover-shooting. Cover mechanics have come a long way over the last ten years, and that's a good thing--but it also means there's a lot of dash-and-stop in shooters these days. It'll be a nice retro change of pace to have something that requires a bit more movement. Other shooters have tried that over the last few years, but I'm still not feeling it. Maybe this one will get the formula right.
@MjnE @ernelson1976 We have leaks and reports both ways, and the hardware leaks frequently contradict each other. They can't all be true. So unless you have a line on some insider information, you know NOTHING about the console aside from some guesses about the internal hardware, none of which have been confirmed.
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