@Arab_Spring If it wasn't luck, then the Wii U would be selling. But it isn't. It's pretty obvious that the Wii's success depended on a surge of casual gamers that have now probably moved on to tablets and phones for their game fix, leaving Nintendo with the nostalgia gamers and kids. The Wii's success was all luck and good timing.
@PinkSpider79 @suprastaruk @Arab_Spring The Wii came out last, and was replaced with a new model first. Thus, lasted nowhere near as long as the other consoles. Not that hard to understand.
Can anyone take Iwata seriously after these sorts of comments? Is he that completely un-self-aware? They're holding off for "quality" reasons? No one is that stupid. There have been some outright cancellations as well. I think Nintendo is starting to believe their own bullshit.
At the "end of the Cold War in 1962"? Doesn't he mean the "height of the Cold War"? The Cold War didn't actually end until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Interesting. Another old IP. I absolutely loved this series, but I don't play much on the PC anymore and can't see this game being ported to even next-gen consoles without it losing what made it great. I modded the hell out of this back when I was still a PC gamer. I'd love to see it revived. Though not by Gearbox.
Of course people are ready for this. Our consoles are connected 99% of the time as it is. It's that last bit--the requirement--that's the issue. And he's right--there needs to be a clear benefit to it. So far no one's offered one, but then we haven't heard anything at all from Microsoft yet on this. Maybe the console doesn't even require an always-on connection. Maybe Microsoft has a killer feature to show off. But the endless whining about this is a waste of time until we know more. But this is the internet, so everyone's got to turn their outrage up to eleven, even though this is all still speculation. :/
@5cott @gabrielperry "The game is based on rewarding the player for overcoming difficult challenges. Having reduced difficulty would reduce the satisfaction in the game."
Only if all gamers wanted the same thing out of every game, which they don't. It wouldn't reduce anyone's satisfaction in the game unless they allow it to. The idea that there is a singular purpose to any game is silly--people play for different reasons.
@gabrielperry @USAPATRIOT21 Like I said--it's all about bragging rights and gamer ego. They play the game not for fun, but because it proves they're somehow better than you.
I don't particularly care that they've designed the game to be difficult. What I find amusing is all these gamers suggesting that an easier difficulty level would somehow dilute the experience. It's the most idiotic argument I've ever heard. Other people may not be looking for the same experience, and even if they didn't have the same experience as you -- who cares? No one ever has the same experience playing a game as someone else. The could easily allow an easy mode and it would make no difference at all to anyone else playing on the hardest difficulty level.
ernelson1976's comments