It's actually a sign of a peoples/nation's development as well.
countries that are highly developed have a lot less kids.
This is the same for people of high class as well.
One of the most fundamental issues if female education. According to a U.N. report i read a couple weeks ago it accounts for up to 50% of the reason why child births decline.
Look at the world map. and no don't just point at those evil stinky Mooslim lands. look at Africa, look at the ghetto's of America, look at the large swathes of areas in South America, and the rural areas of (mainly) Hindu India. all have high birth rates, albeit with declining child mortality rates.
the better educated the women are, the faster the rise in quality of life will be, the less kids you'll see get born.
as far as Europe goes. from what i've been told of stories from friends who have lived in Europe (specifically, France, Germany, Italy, and England). I've heard the arguements on the television and here on teh forums about how Muslims are not joining into the society as well, or the fear of radicalization. I've also heard from friends who live there (i mean real life friends, and most of them are NOT Muslims) who tell me stories of just mere-AntiMuslim tendencies have towards their growing minority.
when the French Muslims riots broke out, i was reading reports from FRANCE, about third generation Muslims who had an engineering degree could not find work, and because France does not have nor believe in affirmative action, would rather hire Pierre then Abdullah. Abdullah can go back to the ghetto's and work at his dad's deli and work off that mountain of debt....
I don't know what it is, i hear Anti-Muslim rhetoric A LOT in America. and yet the everyday person, and even Muslim i meet in the Midwest, is generally happy with their quality of life and have no ill feelings towards America's people or lifestyle (few complaints here and there.. but your gonna find that from both sides of the fence). I hear mostly complaints of foreign policy, but nothing in the way that "we can only change this through violence" rather it's been grass roots efforts in the cities to bring their version of the story (their truth as it were) to people, to let them know the whole story.
There is something unique in that Europe, who'se history is being mostly homogenous people within their borders, is failing to adapt and adjust for a multi-cultural future that ALSO entails assimilation (it'll never be 100% - Germany and France will not be the same as they were in the 1940's - but they could get pretty close if they tried).
yep, this makes sense :) there exists quite a bit of subtle racism within scandinavia, too (like norwegians not hiring or renting to people with foreign names etc..) but im pretty sure that its still one of the less racist regions in the world. i do however not see how not having a job leads to for example raping people..
here is another movie i found of muslims in europe
This means there will be less Norwegian Women. UNACCEPTABLE. Head_of_games
yeah.. this big muslim immigration marks the demise of the blondes :p
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