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So anyways... as most of you might know just recently blew up and alot of people are setteling in over there:) as am I:)

but fear not, I will not be abandoning any of the unions in which I'm an Officer or Leader. the once I'm neither I rarely visit anyways:P

If you make a GB profile, please do add me as a friend:)

I'm back-ish

Well my vacation is over and I'm back in tha city:P I'll be working alot, but hopefully I'll have more time to stop by GS:)

[Insert F-word or other obscenities]

So GS is really [Insert F-word or other obscenities] with my head atm, more then ever. Now it won't even let me post replys in the forums.... like [Insert F-word or other obscenities].

So here is my reply to the Fallout 3 CE thread:)

I pre ordered but Gamestop cancelled my order because I couldn't get to a [Insert F-word or other obscenities] fax machine fast enough.... like who the [Insert F-word or other obscenities] in their right minds demands their customers to [Insert F-word or other obscenities] FAX them their credit card statements. I bet the IT dep. people at gamestop where ROFL'ing so friggin hard when the [Insert F-word or other obscenities] that are in charge of gamestop decided that people had to use [Insert F-word or other obscenities] stone age technology to send a [Insert F-word or other obscenities] piece of paper that states that they have the money to buy the game.... ok so.... do people that don't have money like log onto to buy games even though they know they don't own ****

anyways I'm never trying to buy anything from gamestop again, from now on I'm only using and maybe Free Record Shop(mostly because they are right next to my appartment:P) when I have to have that one game ASAP :P

and if this is the way it going to be, both the Fallout 3 CE and Gamestop can just sod off :)

Happy Labor day

So it's the norwegian labor day:D well actually it's soon over... but anyways I've had the whole day off work:D and I'll be having tomorrow of work aswell although I have to make up for that next week:P

PS. I bought GTA IV.... it's really good:D


It just dawned on me how ironic the name of the labor day is:P since everyone in the private sector(that is sane of mind;) ) and most none essential people in the public sector don't do a damned thing the whole day:lol:

Currancy, Pizza and GS UK

So I'm bored out of my mind, it's been a LONG week of vacation:P going back to work tomorrow, looking forwards to that:)

so anyways currancy, pizza and GS:P

I bought some MWU T-shirts today and I noticed the current value of the USD:P s***ty as it is:lol: the exchange rate (USD/NOK) is at 1/5.14 atm which is actually up a couple of points since this morning:P and what that transelates into is pretty much freebies from the US:lol:

let's put some perspective on it, 1/5.14 can be transelated into 1 VDG = 4 Pizzas or 8 1.5L Coke (steam VDG prices). now that might not seem like much, but considering the fact that a retail game here costs approx. a hundred USD, meaning you could get 50 pizzas or 100 1.5L bottles of coke for the price of one retail VDG.... that's just sick:o (I know my maths are a little of here, but we're talking approx. prices:P)

Now imagine this.... the USD/NOK hits 1/1..... that would be AWESOME, atleast in the short term:| but taking into account that it would mean the total collapse of the US economy and way of life.... it wouldn't be all that great:|

okay, so anyways bottom line is I would like to know how the s***ty dollar rate is affecting you guys, not only the US peeps but the rest of you guys aswell:)

okay, onto other stuff:)

The GS guys over in the UK got a show of their own similar to On the Spot, check it out:D



Here's the DoW2 preview..... :hush: don't tell the mods:P

and some more details about the 40k MMO :D

Damn you Hokies!!!!!!!!

..... for tagging me :P

anyways I was thinking about making a video for this (does that count as one!?!), but then I realised I don't have a camera:lol:

so here's 5 things you might not know about me:)

1. I'm addicted to snus

2. I have never had a girlfriend :essi2 comes to a sad realisation: :P

3. My first gaming system was an Amiga... I think..... It was a long time ago

4. I LOVE history:D

5. I'm an Atheist

Well, that's about it I guess:)

I tag Blade_Tr4iner, Blind_374 and Przem0 :twisted:


So.... what to write..... well I've bought a LOT of games of Steam:D Two Worlds being one of them, awesome game:) They claim it's Oblivionlike...... which is the understatement of the friggin year:P going to postpone buying Soulstorm.....

and oh yea, I have my own team at work.... I'm officially the boss of..... nobody, because I'm the only member of that spesific team:lol: and on a rather personal note, one of my friends is fooling around with the girl I like..... which sucks, like BIG TIME.... but that's life I guess:P

and well.... that about it for now:P

Happy Rant :P

I've been working alot lately, but I've still found the time to start playing EVE:) which is a pretty good MMO:D

I've bought an assload of games lately, so here's the once I can remember over the top of my head:

Colin McRae: Dirt (PC)

Puzzle Quest (PC)

Naruto Rise of a Ninja (Xbox 360)

Blacksite (PC) which btw isn't even close to as good as the original Area 51 game:(

probably some more too but I can't remember :P

and I also bought my brothers PS2 :P just so that I can play FF12:D

Fallout Rant

(A blog post for hardcore Fallout fans by a hardcore Fallout fan)

This is a collection of rage that has been building up for some time and I just had to get it of my shoulders:|

Now if anyone on the Fallout 3 dev team reads this I'm sorry (kinda), I know you people work hard to make good games and so you might belive your games are the best in the world and I can't blame you for that. you've used countless hours making and fine tuning your games, but as far as I'm concerned Oblivion was a piece of glorified crap.

Now after a game like Oblivion which I personally don't like, it's hard to imagine BethSoft making a good fallout game and not some glorified **** that caters to the mainstream gamers that at occasions seem like a bunch of graphics whores that don't give a damn about the depth, story, re-playability etc. of a game aslong as it has great graphics.

Fallout fans have been pissed on by Interplay and people that don't know a great game when they see one too many times, and here we are waiting to see if Bethsoft cares about the Fallout fans or if they're just going to piss on use like so many other have in the past.

Fallout died after Fallout 2.... well to be fair Tactics was okay, but okay isn't good enough for a fallout game and don't get me started on Brotherhood of steel for the Xbox and PS2, that game was a real piece of **** It actually in comparison makes Oblivion look like the god of RPGs. And yes I know BoS (PoS) was an action game and not an rpg, but that only adds to the crappyness and none falloutness of the abomination that is BoS.

And as I type this Interplay is trying to fund another game that most likely will not only piss on the fallout fanbase, but screw the entire Fallout IP and really their short name for it says it all: FOOL, yea that's what they're calling the Fallout MMO.... FOOL.

To wrap this up I'll say that I don't belive Bethesda has what it takes to make a good Fallout game, but I sincerely hope they do make an awesome Fallout game and I wish the Fallout 3 dev team the best of luck :)