When I say end of the years that isn't a typo because the world ends in 2012. Will the PS3 finally catch the 360 before the world ends? Stay tuned!Fry60
The Call Of Duty hate all over again ...it getting old, well I love it and enjoy it, so do millions, & what's wrong with that, dont hate, ...Cant wait for MW3!
Yes I agree, the Dead Island trailer is on a whole different level, it gets you on an emotional lelvel ...its "Darren Aronofsky" good, while most of these other 'epic' trailers are "Michael Bay" good ...that's how I'd put it,
I think WRPG and JRPG applies more to style than simply location where a game is developed, Final Fantasy would still be a JRPG if it was developed in Texas, and Oblivion would still be a WRPG if it was developed in Tokyo, or so I though...
I'll be one of the few who prefers the COD series, so MW3 for me, though I should point out I didnt love the Bad Company games, but I did love BF2, so maybe I'll love BF3
:D Looks amazing! Dont let me down Bathesda, Oblivion was great, and FO3 is my all time favorite game, hope they deliver on this one as well, what a year it's going to be with DA2, ME3,The Witcher 2, Dark Souls, wonder which will be best RPG, looking great!
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