I respect his talent but can't stand his attention getting antics. The rap is something I would expect from a middle schooler who was put into detention.
Honestly I can understand cows frusturations, everyone thought, including me, that the PS3 would DESTROY the 360, I wanted to get one at launch, it was a no brainer ...then the price was announced ...and you know the rest, have to give props to MS for the position they are in now, I don't think we thought they had a chance surpassing Sony, yet they are doing great, it's just amazing, I always love when the underdog surprises,
I completely agree, SSFIV is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, I always tell this to my friends, finally someone else who feels the same way! I can stare at that game for its art alone, the Africa stage is just a marvel! ...and that Cammy sure does help,
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