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ethanrulez Blog

Sleeping Dogs First Impressions

When I FINALLY managed to get home with this game I was really excited, put it in and there is a day one patch. I accept and it starts to download. The patch was 300+MB, so I said **** this" and cancelled it. Started playing the game and it really lived up to my expectations. So far it's been very enjoyable (other than minor lag when the game auto-saves and the fact that my pre-order bonus has glitched out on me) and I am pretty sure this might be one of my favorite games of this year, barring the off chance that the game turns to utter crap later on. Anyways, I'm about to hop back into it now that my controller is now fully charged. I'll probably write a full review soon enough.

Skyrim short review

Been playing The Elder Scroll's V: Skyrim for about 30 hours now. I've spent a lot of time playing it and got a taste of about everything it has to offer. I must say, while the game is VERY entertaining, I feel that the RPG elements in this game are very watered down. Things such as increasing the attributes like Willpower, Intelligence and Strength are a thing of the past, birthsigns are no longer permanent (that I know of) and weapon and armor maintenance is completely absent, while it is a good game, it is certainly lacks many RPG elements. My rating: 8/10 - entertaining game, however it is lacking in deep RPG elements.

Grand Theft Auto V trailer coming 11/02/11

Yes, I know this is my first post on this site in like forevers, but that is because I have been out having a life, but who gives a sh!t about that. The GTA V trailer is coming Wednesday, so now we can all wait and take a shot at what the game will be about, where it will be, what time period it will take place in etc. Source:

Happy Birthday to me!

So I turned 19 today. Yay!

No lets talk about what I got!

How could I not get this? I'm super hyped for this game right now and can't wait to play it. Looks amazing.

Bit worthless right now but when the Store finally comes back, I can't wait to play the new Fallout: New Vegas DLC.

Thoughts on the PSN Outage

For the first several days of the PSN outage, I was supportive of Sony, but now we are entering day 19 (?) of the outage and Sonystill has no goddamn clue what they are doing! First they said 1 to 2 days then later this week and now they have no idea at all. Sony's security is about as thick as paper and not to mention that Sony is still playing catch up with Microsoft. Microsoft is so ahead ofSony right now it's almost like its alien technology.

I grew up playing Sony consoles. Remember the PS2? That was when I truely developed a love for Sony but who would know that after 9 years, that love would turn to hate. Sony has killed it's rep and I have lost all of my respect for Sony.

It's better that way....

The end of an era

Well, it's finally over. He's finally dead. Don't know what Al Quida is going to do in retribution to his death but I sure as hell hope it won't take us another 10 years to get revenge for that.

Just thought I should write this.