I just don't get it; women that I've tried to date have just ened up playin with me. I'm sorry girls but that's just plain wrong. I wana know what your problem is. Just please do me (and the rest of the male community a favor) and just make up your mind on what kinda guy you want. Cuz personally for me, I've had just so many complications with "love" (notice the quotations) As most of you know, my vandeta against Holywood is a BIG thing because Hollywood doesn't show the real side of life; and more importatnly; "love." Anymore, love is thrown around like politicians promises. The deal with Hollywood is that they ALWAYS show everyone living "happily ever after" and all the world just be peachy keen.... WRONGO!!! Like here's what I'm saying, your not gunna find some "hot hunk" witha great heart of "love" all roled into one. So if you guys get my drift, than go ahead and do so. And thanks for the comments if ya give some.
europemaster91 Blog
America: What does it mean to you?
by europemaster91 on Comments
I thought that I might as well do this topic and just get everyones opinion on it (plus it's been a long time coming since I've wanted to ask this of you guys) But the question is... What do you think of America as a whole? And I'm not just talking about the government or a certain group of people; but just america as a whole. You can cuss out all you want or praise all you want. I just want your honest opinion.
Geting to Silver
by europemaster91 on Comments
Here it is... The 50th blog (I know, I know, most of you guys are already on blog 1, 985 so don't call me out on this. You guys have been here since like 2004) So in honor of this small acheivement, party for everyone! (small epic win) :D :D
P.S: BYOV (aka: Bring Your Own Vadca) :lol: :lol:
Parenting Fail
by europemaster91 on Comments
Don't you wish your parents woulda raised you like this?
What I've been up to
by europemaster91 on Comments
Well I'm finally back to writing columbs for "As I See It" (as if you already haven't noticed :lol: ) But anyway, I should probably tell you what I've been up to lately and why I was blocked.
The reason for the absence is like I stated... I was blocked. I had changed my email and the thing bugged out telling me that "my email was no longer valid" so I basically couldn't get on for a couple months. Other than that, the biggest change was that I got my heart broken by a girl. Long story short, the reason we broke up was cuz she wasn't really over her ex and so anytime that we had done anything together, she was thinkin of him (for future reference ladies... Don't do that; EVER) So as far as it goes, I'm pretty much done dating (possibly forever) and even though I'm over her now, it's still hard just thinking about the fact that she wasn't "over her ex" Now you may think that getting over ones ex is no big deal... But the thing was that they had dated on and off for over a year and a half and what REALLY screwed them both over was the simple fact that they were eachothers firsts for everything (first kiss, first date... And dare I say it, first sex partners) Which btw; they're both 16. And now even as I write this, I'm still upset about the whole ordeal; but I guess like the old saying goes "Time heals all wounds." Hope you guys still are liking my articles here for my blog of "As I See It." and hope I'm still a pretty cool guy in your eyes. Also, if you guys wana hit me up anywhere else, just ask me for like my email or Facebook. It's whatever flys your plane. And thanks for the comments if you guys leave any :D
by europemaster91 on Comments
Okay; don't tell me that when you were little, you thought that pillows could protect you from anything.... Even nuclear weapons
by europemaster91 on Comments
What up people? Ya miss me? HA HA HA!!!! Well we back like a real cracka do! And just to let you know, the reason why I was gone so long was cuz my account got jacked with. But it's all good now! We back like GGGG-UNIT!!!!
Karate Movies
by europemaster91 on Comments
For all of you that tried to be the next Bruce Lee, here's somethin to possibly think about...
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