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europemaster91 Blog

People and $3X

I got some'm to say (and it's pretty damn important) Listen uphumans of the world(this ones for you) I don't care what your names is, I don't care what country your from, I don't care what city you reside in, and I don't care what house you live in. Within the past just couple of months, I have met so many women that has already had sex before their Senior year of high school... And it bugs me. How you may ask? For 2 reasons; One for her sake and 2 for my sake. (mainly for her sake though) The reason why thing buggs me is because there are three problems that come with sex; pregnancy, STD's, and humiliation. Lets start with the first one; pregnancy. Come on people, what girl wants to have a baby in high school when you cant truly pay for it (in the manor of clothing, diapers, etc) Because let me tell ya, flippin bugers at Burger King don't cut it for the big pay check. Second is the STD's. Now unless you've been living in a cave for 100 years, this isn't some short hand text for Stupid Teenage Norwiegens or Something Totaly Dumb. It's Sexually Transmited Dissease and trust me, ya don't want it (because for the most part, it screws up your ability to have little feet running around your house one day) Lastly, there's the humiliation. Last time I checked, no girl wants to be known as a slut, hore, or anything of the sort. So why would you go out and do it anyway? Most of the time, they usually tell me that they did it out of love or just "got caught up in the moment." BULL$H!T!!!! You coulda had enough nerves in your brain to know that something was going wrong anyway. So here's a bet to the whole world that I'll make. If you can find me a girl that's single, hasn't smoked, drank, done drugs, or had sex, I shall pay you GRACIOUSLY.

(slight pause) Thanks... I feel better.

Cats vs. Dogs

Seems that my little blog about dogs got a discussion going about who likes cats and dogs. Well it seems that it's bout time that there be an article on it here at "As I See It" So here's the question... Are you a dog person; or a cat person and why?

Europe's Many Countries

Now before I say anything, I just wana say that I don't want hate mail from you guys about what I'm going to rant on; and it is simply this... Europe has to many countries. Here's what I'm talking about. When you guys were back in the good old days of the pre-60's era (60's, 50's, 40's, etc) There was only like 8 or10 countries. But now there's like 15 or 20 of you guys and most of your countries are only like a 30 minute drive from boarder to boarder. I just don't get it. I wish you guys could be like the old day where it was like JUST Germany, JUST Czechoslovakia, JUST... Well you get the picture. Because it doesn't make sence to have itty bitty countries such as Moldova, Tirrana, and places like that. Now I know like XenoLair is from Slovania (which is a small country) and Crimsader is from Bulgaria (which isn't to much of a small country but still...) And once again, I'm not trying to disrespect your Europe AT ALL. You guys know I love Europe with a passion (duh... It's my username) So if you guys want to comment on this, go ahead becaue I would GREATLY love to know what you guys think about this. And thank you for your comments.

Nazi Dough Boy

This is actually a t-shirt that you can buy off the internet (cuz they can't sell it in stores in America as you will see)

Now before I start getting hate mail saying that I promote Nazi ideas, I don't. It's just something to laugh at people.

Youngest Transsexual

Guys, would you date her?

You wouldn't if you knew that this is a guy! She is the youngest transsexual in the world. She (mayby I should say HE) is now 13 years old and lives in Germany.

My Christmas and Gamespot

Alright this is going to be short, sweet and to the point. For Christmas I got a 250 gb PS3 w/ COD Modern Warfare 2, NCAA Basketball 2010, and FIFA 2010. So I got everything I wanted :D :D :D So yeah... Be jealous. :lol: Anyway; I have a complaint. For some reason I can't get on GS ANYWHERE but her at school (that explains Y I didn't have any new "As I See It" posts) Cuz what'll happen is I TRY and sign in like at my house, but it just keeps giving me this warning box (somethin about secure info) and it just keeps me at the same page of the home with the addvertisement thing about Ford Synk and it's all white in the background. If you could help me out, that would be FANTASTIC!!! Until then, hope you had fun over the Christmas break. If you wana tell me anystories or what you got, go ahead and share it.