I got some'm to say (and it's pretty damn important) Listen uphumans of the world(this ones for you) I don't care what your names is, I don't care what country your from, I don't care what city you reside in, and I don't care what house you live in. Within the past just couple of months, I have met so many women that has already had sex before their Senior year of high school... And it bugs me. How you may ask? For 2 reasons; One for her sake and 2 for my sake. (mainly for her sake though) The reason why thing buggs me is because there are three problems that come with sex; pregnancy, STD's, and humiliation. Lets start with the first one; pregnancy. Come on people, what girl wants to have a baby in high school when you cant truly pay for it (in the manor of clothing, diapers, etc) Because let me tell ya, flippin bugers at Burger King don't cut it for the big pay check. Second is the STD's. Now unless you've been living in a cave for 100 years, this isn't some short hand text for Stupid Teenage Norwiegens or Something Totaly Dumb. It's Sexually Transmited Dissease and trust me, ya don't want it (because for the most part, it screws up your ability to have little feet running around your house one day) Lastly, there's the humiliation. Last time I checked, no girl wants to be known as a slut, hore, or anything of the sort. So why would you go out and do it anyway? Most of the time, they usually tell me that they did it out of love or just "got caught up in the moment." BULL$H!T!!!! You coulda had enough nerves in your brain to know that something was going wrong anyway. So here's a bet to the whole world that I'll make. If you can find me a girl that's single, hasn't smoked, drank, done drugs, or had sex, I shall pay you GRACIOUSLY.
(slight pause) Thanks... I feel better.
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