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europemaster91 Blog

Happy Thanksgiving

Today in America, we celebrate Thanksgiving, a time when we all come together as a family and remember what we're thankful for. But for those of you that don't know what this holiday is about, here is alittle history of Thanksgiving. URL= And here is a picture of the first Thanksgiving.

And don't worry, if you don't celebrate something like this where you are, you can with me today:oops: So as the saying goes, "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Also, if you have anything that you are thankful for, just go ahead and post it.:D

Being Bilingual

This is a sort of controversial topic here in America because of the fact that we are the "Melting Pot of the World" and now we especialy have to know at least two because of more Mexican people comming in. But I was scrounging arround on Youtube and found this HELARIOUS video of Eddie Izzard making a bit of a comment on this topic. Hope you like it.

This video hit more home to some of you international guys than me, but still... Eddie makes a good point:P

Has WW2 been overplayed?

It's a little weird to think, but it's beensome 70 years since World War 2 has happened and there is something that I'd like to bring up that you may have never thought about... Has WW2 been overplayed? Now before I get comments flooded by you guys ranting about how much Imustdispise this time in history and that I have no love for the many Veterans that has served for us regardless if they are from America or New Zeland... Your wrong (Check my Veteran post that I made on Veterans Day) What I'm really talking about when I mean "overplayed" is the fact of movies, books, games, etc. Just think about this for a second... How many games and moviesare out there representing WW2? A lot right? Well the fact of the matter is that most games and movies keep replaying the same battle over and over again, just like "Saving Private Ryan" was to "Medal of Honor: Frontline." "Frontline's" plot was taken from "Saving Private Ryan" and the same can be said for "Pearl Harbor" and "Medal of Honor: Rising Sun." So here's the point of my blog... I'm not saying that we should forget World War 2, but just let loose on it for a while; let the history books take over or at least the few Veterans that we have tell their stories themselves. That's all I want to say about that. Remember folks, if you have comments, don't feel bashful to reply or send me an email at my Gamespot account. And as always, thanks for posting.

Best Friends

I'd just like to dedicate this blog to the many friends that I've made on Gamespot.

My first "Best Friend" award goes to Nene33 from the Netherlands. Without you I'd still be suck on the home page. :lol: (Let alone the "sign up for Gamespot here" page)

My next award goes to optiow. The man from New Zeland land always there with a comment on something (regardless if it's a stupid topic or not. But hey, that's what buddies talk about right? :lol: )

And for Crimsader from Bulgaria. Although we've only met, I sure do find you a whole lot of fun to hang arround. Your never afraid to step on someones toes and get away with it :)

I would just like to send a big shout out to you all you other guys that have made my Gamespot time enjoyable. It sure has been great (and there's PLENTY of more "As I See It" blogs to come) And honestly, there are no true words to describe the thanks that I could ever repay you guys.

And hereis your award

Swine Flu

Alright, alright. Let me clear the air about this first, I'm not making fun of it, but I AM making fun of it (here's what I mean)

This is just to help us all laugh at this whole ordeal. Remember, more people die of the fear of the panademic than the panademic itself.

Is Gamespot dead?

Oh I know, I know. Just saying this topic is probably touchy, but I'm being serious. Almost every time I turn arround, whether it is in a union or if it is a topic of discusion, there is only one or two responses that I ever see, or there is no response at all. I understand that people have "lives" and things called "jobs," and even more importants... Homework. But still, how hard is it it to get on Gamespot for more than 5 minutes and post at least a couple of comments. Sorry everyone, I just had to get this rant off my chest. So please post comments and thank you for them. :DIt's just something that I had to bring up.


What are your goals in life? How to you plan to achieve them? Somewhere in your life, you've probably been asked this. But the other issue at hand is what limitations are on those goals and dreams. For instance; if you see something you want like a Playstation 3, it's going to cost you (in America) $300. So you do the math of how much money you make at your job and divide how much you must save up to obtain the PS3. But once again, there are limitations. For example, with the PS3, your most likely not going to get $300 in one day and expect to get the PS3 on the same day (unless your loaded with money somewhere and you work at a VERY good job making that kind of money) But what about real life? What about our everyday walk? For this there are limitations as well. Now of course there's the matter of things such as food and the like, but what about things such as dreams, such AS relationships? Do these things also have their limitations as well? My answer is yes. How so you may ask? Well lets take a relationship. Now as most of you know I am single, but what I am about to say is from watching many other relationships work/fail. And what I mean is this; you need to know your partners limits as well as your own on where you two feel comfortable as far as hand holding, kissing, etc. etc. And what about dreams? The same applies. You need to know that you're not going to get that job on the 30th floor within a matter of days. That requires hard work and determination. Now before I end this blog, I first need to get out that I'm NOT trying to crush anyone's dreams here. I'm just simply stating what my title is; limitations. So if you have anything else you want to add onto this, be my guest and feel free to do so. Until then, thanks for posting and I love Gamespot:D