where are you suposed to put the wii mote when you play with the classic controler? its always dangleing in my way and i feel like it should be connected to something. also what are those slots on the back of the classic controler for? i have not figured that one out. anyway, my wii mote started acting up the other day. it turned off and did not want to reconnect, i tired move it around and hitting the buttions plus tried the power buttion, nothing happened. after 10 more mins of trying to resynic with the red buttions it finally came back on. strange, the batterys where new.
if it is oct 06 how could a 1 year warranty run out so soon? but anyway microsoft will fix it for free because the MFG date is less than a year old. I just sent mine in and i got it back in 2 weeks to the day. I did get a refurb console newer than the one i sent in, but a working system is better than no system at all, and better than 300 bucks for a new one. call them and get a new one, it isn't that hard, and who cares if it is refurb, its used just like the one you have already.
Duke Nukem 64 must come out on the VC. If they can have that splatterhouse game, then other gorey violent games can come to VC. I will not take no from nintendo, they must put out this game, it was fun.
I was thinking of going to the store today and getting a new game and I am really in the mood to race. What is the best raceing game for the 360 both offline and online? I don't own any racing games right now because i was waiting for nascar to come out, but i just can't wait to race any longer.
If all the new stuff is going to be black it makes me wonder about the new HDD, if i got one for my white 360 is now going to have a miss matched black top part?... because the top is grey right now and some of it shows besides the grey HDD. yeah white, black and grey colored x boxes for everyone!!!
um it is 8:12 ct here, is XBL still down? i tried logging in, and its left me a little confused because i just had to reinstall my router also, just scratching my head here wanting to konw if it is XBL or my router?....
I was thinking of buying a VGA cable to hook my 360 up to my 20 inch wide screen LCD monitor. I have a few questions before i buy it though, does it look better than a SDTV and what about sound? I have 2.1 speakers on my computer, can i use those, if i can how? If i can't use those what do i need to get? I am guessing there is no problem just hooking the cable to my monitor and to my xbox, my main question is what to do about sound.
only problem with that is my warranty ends in april, and i am mailing the xbox to my best friend who movied to dallas. We don't get to hang out much anymore and i thought it a good to play games over live. I don't want to send him a xbox that will only brick a month after he gets it though. If only there was a way to reverse the towel trick...
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