@Vul0 @experience_fade I just think it's strange to make a singular point about diversity; he created the inference that the Xbox One is primarily a shooter/racer console.
Oh and, Titanfall, Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive are also new IPs. Just to continue the list.
Favorite line of the article. "Our Sony Gamescom appointments this year weren't filled with shooters and racers, but rather the likes of Knack, Rain, and Beyond: Two Souls."
Right, because Sony isn't making Killzone, Gran Turismo 6 and Driveclub.
@LeviHarris "Microsoft might have the mighty Titanfall, but it doesn't have the confidence, the charm, or the passion for games that will see it play a majority role in the next console generation. "
@MooncalfReviews @DawgByte2 Mooncalf. It's one thing to prefer a console. It's another to assert a winner of the next console generation, 3 months before they're even out.
"Microsoft might have the mighty Titanfall, but it doesn't have the confidence, the charm, or the passion for games that will see it play a majority role in the next console generation."
Wake up. Your love of the PS4 is blinding you to the obvious.
experience_fade's comments