@Takeno456 yeah, this forced socialization style gaming has gotten on my nerves...i've never cared for it...I like the single player experience, i like the privacy, I even like playing solo in MMOs, never cared much for leaderboards which feels like a quest for attention for some people...
@zygany me too...prefer offline and single player games to begin with...i couldn't care less about leaderboards, facebook posts, social features...even when playing MMOs i prefer to go solo...so here's to future single player games having an offline mode option...and yeah, a week from now with Simcity behind me unpurchased and forgotten, I will definitely will have found an alternative
@MadCityTech @Psycold I'm having a LOT of fun with SimCity (I didn't buy it)...not by playing it but through reading about how this fiasco is unfolding. good times...and no server waiting....
@jojo86x hmmm maybe we should wait for EA to patch and update MOH: Warfighter...we can ignore all the current reviews because they could improve it to 10/10 quality, we've only had a few months to play it and NOT FOR EVER
this IS a good and accurate review. Day one problems should be a huge factor in any new game. Anyone remember The WarZ? yeah, they could have worked on fixing it and a year from now it could have been a great game, but it deserved the universal negative reviews it got because it was broken/incomplete/etc from release. You are too forgiving if you excuse Sim City'...by that token you should forgive The WarZ and all crappy games because they MAY patch them to potential non-crappiness...
it used to be that "Limited Edition" meant limited number produced/released or with extra features making them more special....now, "Limited Edition" means they limit the features and release a not-so-complete game for future paid DLC purchases and expansion. <sigh> the end is near....
exponential7216's comments