Please sign the WhiteHouse Petition, together, Yes we Can! (force EA to make an offline option) just started...i'm number 6 heheh...hopefully this happens. I WILL buy Simcity for single player and offline...i don't give a damn for all the leaderboarding, stat tracking crap...
ANOTHER game that needs always-on-DRM?! Dangit, I've been looking forward to Simcity for a LONG time too. Ah well, i'm skipping it. Like Diablo 3, i've passed on that game because of the problems, not to mention principle, of always-on-DRM....and happily moved on to Torchlight 2 :-)
how about an Assassin's Creed in medieval Japan? You'd think the ninjas would make a perfect focal point in this exotic and yet brutal period. It will also suggest an even more global and far reaching plot....
exponential7216's comments