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fLaTt-OuT-cRaZy Blog

Wow...I really stink at blogging.

Wow...ik echt stinken op bloggen.

Ha ha, that's the title of my blog in Dutch. This just reminds me that I have always wanted to learn how to speak a foreign language. It's never too late though. If only my school offered to teach us that kind of stuff.

Anyway, I know back in December I said that I was going to start blogging and coming back on here again, but I have not been able to get my computer to workon this websiteuntil last night for the past few months. There's been something really strange going on with it, but it's only on this website. I'm truly sorry for my absence and I know the whole "computer was broken" excuse doesn't really work any more. So feel free to throw tomatoes at me as I crawl into the fetal position and hide away in a corner.

I'm currently on Spring Break at the moment, and boy, has it been boring. I honestly don't know what's worse, going to school or sitting around at home all day blankly staring at the wall. Okay, so it hasn't been that bad, but I've still been pretty bored. I guess, when it comes down to everything, I'd much rather be at home than getting yelled at by teachers or getting ridiculous amounts of homework.

I've been trying to do a lot more writing lately, but haven't really been successful. I have been having wicked writer's block, which is never fun. I have a story up on, but it's going nowhere. I have plenty of ideas, it's just that I don't know how to write them all down. Oh well, back to the drawing board for the 37,977,642nd time.

One last thing before I go...did you know I got retired from all five of my editorships? I guess because I haven't been on here or active in a while, they just decided to get rid of me! Do you know how long it took me to become editor of Drake Bell? A long, flippin' time. I'll just have to find more people to become editor of.

This time, I won't make any promises if I will be back or not. I can say that, now that my computer's working,I will definitely be trying.

Keep Rockin',


a.k.a. Lindsey

I am now welcoming myself back into the relm of!!!

I have not blogged since August 17, 2009...that is pretty pathetic, huh? I kept telling myself to get on here more, but I never was able to. Finally, I am proud to announce, that I am back and excited to talk to all of my friends that I have not spoken to in months.

Since I have been gone, I have experienced plenty of fun and annoying times.


  • Going to see David Cook preform live 5,000 miles from where I live. That man can put on one heck of a show!
  • Meeting all of my new teachers, which are quickly developing nicknames left and right.


  • Having to write a ridiculously long paper for two of my school hours and making a PowerPoint for one more. We started "The Project" at the end of October and just now completed it on December 18.
  • Having a partner who will not help on "The Project" at all!

With that said, I would now like to take time to mention my two favorite shows of the moment: House MD and Scrubs. Two amazing shows for me to watch and love everyday! I cannot wait for House to come back on on January 25 and I have a lot of catching up to do with Scrubs.


'Til next time...

Keep Rockin',


Long time, no see! last blog entry was February 23, 2009...that's pathetic.

My summer has been pretty uneventful. I've doing what I normally, sleep, get on the computer, and mostly spending two or three nights in a row with my friends. But, I did go see six concerts this summer! Sadly, the summer has come to an end because school starts tomorrow!

Here's my schedule:

1st Hour: Science

2nd Hour: Language Arts

3rd Hour: Social Studies

4th Hour: Jazz Band

5th Hour: Algebra

6th Hour A: Reading

6th Hour B: Gym

7th Hour: Band

What have you guys been up to over the summer? Anything interesting or just kind of boring? With that said, I shall close my blog.

Keep Rockin',


Uhh.....don't know what to call this blog so....yeah.....I'll continue on now...

What's up people of the awesomely awesome :D! How has everyone been? Personally, I've been great, but I'm pretty much always great :D!

So, I just came on here to ask what everyone wants to be when they get older, or to everyone who already has a job/career, what is your dream job? Lately, in school we've been talking about careers and such, so I want to know what you guys want to be when you get older?

I actually want to be either a writer or some sort of teacher. I love to write stories and scripts (which some of you have read the scripts, and I honestly don't know if they're good or not) and I also love helping people and teaching people things. With the writing, I don't know if I want to be an author or if I want to be one of the writer's for TV shows or movies. With the teaching, I want to be either an English teacher or a Social Studies teacher. Right now, I think I'd want to teacher like 7th or 8th graders, but that may change. These possible career choices are indefinite right now though.

Well, that's really all wanted to ask, so I guess I'll just close up now.

Keep Rockin',


1 Year Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Today, February 16, 2009 is my one year anniversary on the wonderful!!!! I can't believe a year has gone by since I've joined! YAY :D :D :D!!!!!!

I can't believe that our Concert Band Festival was cancelled :cry:!!!!! It was canceled because of a good reason, but I'm still extremelydisappointed :(. But, we do have a Jazz Festival on the 28th:D! I'm psyched for that and I know that we're readyfor it :)! At least we have another Concert Band Festival in late March or early April to look forward too :)!

Well, nothing's really going on with me lately, so I think I'll close out, but not with out the Quote of the Day (it's kinda stupid, but I still like it) =)!

Quote of the Day:

Mr. W.- Tuesday's and Thursday's are my worst days.

Me - It's Monday...

Mr. W. - Shut up.

(punches me in the arm)

Keep Rockin',


Dang...I need to blog more!

How has everyone been lately? Personally, besides constantly being picked on by my band teacher, I've been great. Basketball just ended a week ago, and now I'm trying to adjust my life back to normal. We actually had a pretty good season. I thought I had a pretty awesome season considering it was my first time playing Basketball. Next year, I'm thinking about doing Volleyball. For the past few weeks in Gym we've been playing Volleyball and it's been pretty fun. But, today my team won against my rival's team (she's my rival because we both play 1st Alto and the same position in Basketball, so we always fight, though I only see her a few times a day because she's a year older and a grade higher than me). Even though we only won by one (12-11), it's still an accomplishment. The only reason why we won because of me and my two best friends awesome serving and playing skills. The other three people on our team just stand there and when the ball comes to them, they don't even try to hit it!

Moving on from Volleyball...

Lately in band my band teacher has been constantly picking on me. On Friday, he made me sit on a speaker next to him! Since I was playing my part wrong (only not in time, nothing was wrong with the notes or rhythms), he said, "Lindsey bring your stand and your body over here." So I did, and he points to the speaker next to him, pats it and says, "Take a seat." I had to sit there the whole hour on a very uncomfortable speaker and nearly get hit with his hands every time we play! And then I said, "I'm afraid you're going to hit me," and then he said, "Oh, I would never hit you on purpose." Then he hits me in the head and says, "See, sorry!" I was pretty mad and frustrated by that point. Then when I played something right, he would pat me on the head like I was some kind of dog! Then today, me and the two other Saxophones (the Tenor and the Baritone Saxophone) were arguing on who was going to test first and I said I didn't want to go first and then my teacher says, "Lindsey, go test!" And as I'm walking into his office, he smirks at me!

Moving on from band...

Well, I just wanted to write that so, yeah. I hope you enjoyed my pretty much pointless rant!

Keep Rockin',


Merry Christmas!


How has everyone's Christmas gone? Mine was absolutely great (Christmas is always great for me) :D! What did everyone get for Christmas?

I got...

- 3rd Generation iPod Nano :D!

- Drake Bell Concert DVD (sooo amazing :D!)

- And tons of awesome clothes and pajama pants :D!

And that is basically it. I love what I got for Christmas :D!

Well, I gotta go!

Keep Rockin',


Can't Wait Til 2009!

I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait until 2009 is here. 2008 just hasn't been the greatest year for me. Hopefully, I can put this year behind us and just move on in 2009. How is everyone celebrating the New Year? I'm going to be at my friend Disco's house for a party. I went to his party last year and it was a ton of fun :D! I'm hoping this party will be just as good :). Well, gotta go! I hope everyone has a great Christmas (It's tomorrow :D) and a very happy New Year :D!

2009.gif 2009 image by vergudote

New_Year.jpg Happy New Year Vector image by ma365ro

merry.gif Merry Christmas image by MainyP

Keep Rockin',


a.k.a. Lindsey

I'm back!!!!

It's been such a long time since I've written a blog (almost three months)! I've been on just looking around but not really doing any submissions or blogs. I guess I just lost interest in for a few months because of the new layout and since a lot of my friends left. But, now I'm back and ready to make lots of submissions, write lots of reviews, and send lots of PM's :)! So, how has everyone been?

Now, on to a different subject...CHRISTMAS!!!

Merry-Christmas.png image by MaureenShipperly

merry-christmas.jpg image by Jessica70_bucket

I LOVE's my all-time favorite holiday :D! Not just because of the presents or getting off school (but I still love that stuff), just spending time with my family is what I really love :D! What does everyone want for Christmas? Here's some of my list -

Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh DVD (available December 19)

Drake Bell Concert DVD (available December 16)

The Best of Drake and Josh - Seasons 1 and 2

The Best of Drake and Josh - Season 3 and 4

Twilight T-shirts, posters, bracelets, etc.

A new iPod Nano (Mine broke)

That was the majority of my list :D! Next weekend, I'm going Christmas shopping with my mom to pick out gifts for my family and friends :D!

Speaking of Christmas...did anyone see Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh?!

I LOVED IT!!! It was sooo nice to see my two favorite all-time actors come together again to make one finale D & J movie :D! My favorite parts were when Sally (the wood-chipper) goes crazy when Drake and Josh put ice into her hoping to get snow, but just gets more ice :L! I also love it when Bludge wants to "beat up" Josh and all he's doing is faking it by hitting things on the metal and having Josh scream :L! But, I also loved the very end of the movie when Mary Alice and her family vote yes to having the best Christmas ever and the boys don't have to go to jail :D! It was just soooo sweet. Like I said, I loved the movie :D! What did everyone else think of it?

Now, onto a different subject -

On Tuesday (December 9) my school's band had after school rehearsal. First was Jazz Band from 2:20-4:30. But, since me and four other kids had basketball practice, we left Jazz rehearsal 15 minutes early. Then, that same night, after an hour and 45 minutes of basketball practice, me and the other four kids had to go back to the band room to get set up for two hours of just regular bands rehearsal. By then, you can guess how exhausted I was :(. Not a fun day.

Now, again to a different subject -

Yesterday (December 11) was Rider Strong's 29th Birthday, so I just wanted to wish Rider a Happy birthday and I hope he had a good one :D!

happy_birthday.png image by shadowcutty

Another different subject -

Now, this blog is over, so yeah. I'll talk to you all soon :D!

Keep Rockin',


a.k.a. Lindsey :D

(Waving hands in the air) I don't wanna go to jail!!!!

Sup people :D! Before this blog truely begins, I would like to wish a happy late birthday to one of my best friends Mandy (MandyMoore22). Her birthday was yesterday. So, HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY, MANDY :D!

Also, today is Nick Jonas's birthday, so HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY, NICK :D!

OK, the title of the blog is from my band teacher, who I call Captain Puppet (long story), he said that to my friend who threw my pencil at him! She said, "If it leaves a bruise, tell me, and I'll kiss it for you!" and Captain Puppet said, "I don't want to go to jail!", while waving his hands up in the air :lol:!!! The Jazz Band thought it was really funny :lol:...

Anyway, I wanted to write this blog to tell people some really BIG and awesome news :D! Sometime next week, one of my best friends (not Mandy) and I are going to be doing a presidential debate in front of the whole school. My friend and I are McCain and Palin (I'm McCain and she's Palin) and some other kids are Obama and the other guy :). Personally, I wanted to have Obama and the other guy, but oh well. My W.H. teacher picked my friend and I because he thought that we could do a good, convincing arguement in front of a bunch of people :D! It's going to be a lot of fun (to me anyway) :D!!!!

Alright, now I'm out of things to talk BLAH!!!!

Keep Rockin',
