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fLaTt-OuT-cRaZy Blog

I Got my First Trusted Contributor!

I just got my 1st TC :D! YAY ME :P! My TC is for Ned's Decl*ssified's Christian Serratos! Here is a picture of her!

But, I do have to say thanks to ThereGoesHalo3 for helping me with getting this TC :)! THANKS THEREGOESHALO3 :D! And also, thanks to all of your help earlier today as well :D!

Well, I really don't have too much to talk about right now, so I guess I'll close up!

Keep Rockin',


fLaTt-OuT-cRaZy's 100th Blog Celebration!

I finally have 100 blog posts ! That's so cool!

To continue with my celebration, I would like to list my Top 3 Friends here on! They are in no particular order because I couldn't choose who was 1st, 2nd, or 3rd!




I would really like to meet new people on here, so if you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me!

Now, it's time for my top 5 TV show list

#5 - Zoey 101

#4 - Life With Derek

#3 - Boy Meets World

#2 - Full House

#1 - Drake and Josh

What's everyone else's Top 5 TV shows? I'm sure the #1 TV show on my list didn't surprise anyone !

Now, time to talk movies. Has anyone here seen Drillbit Taylor or Superhero Movie? They're both out on DVD now! Definitely go and buy them! They're worth the money! Drillbit Taylor has Drake and Josh's Josh Peck in it and Superhero Movie has Drake and Josh's Drake Bell in it.

Speaking of Drake Bell and Josh Peck, the two of them are in two different movies that come into movie theaters on August 29, 2008. Josh's is called The Wackness (Rated R) and Drake's is called College (Rated R). I am definitely going to see them!


I stole two surveys from secrets710 so all credit for these goes to her!

First name?: Lindsey

Boyfriend?: Nope, not at the moment

BFF?: Yes

Ever made up a song?: All the time! They're just little crazy ones!

Book I'm currently reading?: None at the moment

Currently on my TV?: Drake and Josh

Last movie watched?: Superhero Movie

Time went to bed last night?: Between 11 p.m. - 12 a.m.

What do I want to be when I grow up?: Not sure yet

Favorite cartoon?: I don't really watch many cartoons

Favorite TV show?: D & J, of course

Another survey!

1. TV or Computer? Computer!

2. If you could be anywhere else in the world right now, where would you go? California

3. Do you play video games? Not really, only with my friends

4. Miley, Vanessa, or Jamie Lynn? Definitely Jamie Lynn! I hate both Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens! They annoy me so much!

5. What's on your TV right now? Drake and Josh

6. Favorite TV ships? Choey, Quogan, Mola, Seddie, and a few more

7. Favorite show from the 90's? Full House and Boy Meets World

8. Favorite show to watch on youtube? Boy Meets World

9. Biggest secret? They're called "secrets" for a reason! I am not at liberty to discuss them with you!

10. Last time you laughed with someone? Like a few seconds ago!

Well, that officially concludes my 100th blog celebration!

Keep Rockin',


This Blog is NOT for the Queasy

Apple Sauce

Blueberry Poptart


A1 Sauce

Hershey's Chocolate Syrup

Cinnamon Teddy Grahams

Lemon and Lime Sauce



Spicy Mustard

Pickle Juice

Hot Sauce

Manias (sp?)

Ranch Dressing

^^^That my friends torturing device. I was over at my friend's house today (I'm gonna call him Disco) house yesterday and Disco actually made our friend (I'm gonna call her Purple) eat that all mixed together! Can you believe it? I helped Disco make it and he and I could hardly stand to look at it! It was so disgusting! We didn't even eat it and we were about ready to lose our lunch!

It all started when we began playing "Truth or Dare" in Disco's kitchen. I was the one who got dared first and Purple made me this disgusting thing with A1 Sauce, Poptart, Teddy Grahams, and Apple Sauce mixed together! It was awful!

Disco and Purple were really going at it though, so they were making each other some disgusting stuff! So, Disco decided to call it truse (sp?) with Purple and Purple agreed. But, a few rounds of the game later, Purple mixes together something horrible and Disco had to eat it! But, then Disco got her back BIG TIME! That little "recipe" up there is what Disco made Purple eat. Disco made Disco eat it outside because he didn't want her to lose her lunch in his house.

What a heck of a 99th blog :lol:!

Well, that's all for now!

Keep Rockin',


Vote for Drake!

Vote for Drake as Break-Out-Male for the Teen Choice Awards!


Click on the "Cast Your Vote" section and then vote for Drake and all of your other favorites! The Teen Choice Awards will be held on August 4, 2008, so tune in and watch the awards (Drake is supposed to be there)!


DrakeBell2.jpg Drake Bell image by stephanieandjoe

Please Vote!

Keep Rockin',


Happy Birthday, Gary!


If you don't know who Gary is, the picture above is him. Does he look familiar to anyone? If you have heard of the band Rascal Flatts, then you may know who he is, considering he is the lead singer of the band!

Happy birthday, Gary! I hope you have a great day!

Picture Credit - and Jennifer for taking the picture of Gary

Keep Rockin',


Battle of the Candy - Part 4

Congrats to Skittles for winning for the 3rd time in a row! Skittles won against M & M's in a 6-5 game! So, again a very close game! I did let the competition run an extra day because I wanted to see if M & M's could beat Skittles (even though I voted for Skittles) and unfortunately to some, it didn't work.

Your Winner





Please vote!

Keep Rockin',


Battle of the Candy - Part 3

The winner of the last Battle of the Candies is Skittles for the 2nd time in a row! Skittles won 5-4, so it was a very close game! Here's your choices for today!



M & M's

Keep Rockin' the Votes,


A Funny Quote

This is a very funny quote that just happened like a minute ago! I'm talking on the phone with Purple and Disco right now!

Disco - How many scooters do you have?

Purple- I have two, but only one of them has internet.

Me - We were talking about SCOOTERS, not computers!

Purple - Well, I thought you said computers!

I don't know if you guys thought that was funny, but once I heard that I nearly cried from laughter!

Superhero Movie is Out on DVD Today!

Drake Bell's movie, Superhero Movie, comes out today and I am going to buy it later today! If you go see the movie the day it comes out, you might as well buy the movie the day it comes out!

I just realized that the movie released on March 28, 2008 and it came out on DVD on July 8, 2008......both of the days (28th and 8th) have the numbers 8 in them! That's really cool! And by the way, don't forget to buy Drillbit Taylor to support Josh Peck! Another thing that I realized about Superhero Movie and Drillbit Taylor is that the movies came out a week apart (Drillbit Taylor came out on March 21, 2008 and Superhero Movie came out on March 28, 2008 ) and the movies released a week apart too! Drillbit Taylor came out on July 1, 2008 and Superhero Movie came out on July 8, 2008!

Quote of the Moment

Drake and Josh - Megan's Revenge

Drake: So seriously did you mean your butt to my butt or--

Keep Rockin',
