Same here.I hate the idea of games going digital. Digital and physical? Fine. Given the choice I'd always go for a physical copy.
faheem_s_i's forum posts
Excellent point.nostalgia vs. obsolete.
This reminds me of one episode of Jon Stewart, in which John Oliver is talking about some news organization wants American to return to the "good old days". But they never seem to find that good old days feeling again. People wonder why. The reason is, that good old days left a long time ago along with your childhood. That whimsical feeling is a period piece, something can be relished but never recaptured. But that really has nothing to do whether what we have at hand is good or bad, so comparing that distance feeling to what is now is pretty... unremarkable.
Lost Oddysey is amazing.easily 1 of my all time favourite rpg's.western or japanese.PSOne generation had Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and a mess of other AAA JRPs.
PS2 generation had FFX, XII, Dragon Quest VIII, and a mess of other AAA JRPGS.
**Keep in mind that if you didn't like these games personally... it doesn't matter because the general consensus is that they are AAA titles**
Where are the incredible JRPG this gen? EL ZILCHO, and there were plenty of JRPGs released so far (AND NO, DEMON SOULS DOES NOT COUNT. OTHER THAN IT BEING DEVELOPED IN JAPAN, IT'S NOT TRADITIONALLY A JRPG). Don't get me wrong, there definitely were GOOD - GREAT JRPGs this gen (for ex. Tales of Vesp, Valkyria, Eternal Sonata), but nothing that stood out as incredible, or "AAA."
FFXIII... say what you will, but honestly it's most likely NOT going to be AAA, and has a very high chance of getting a 7 score. I really haven't heard one good thing about the game besides the graphics and the music. Don't build yourself up... it won't be that good. Although Famitsu seemed to like it, Japan in general doesn't.
What pisses me off is the most is MistWalker. Lost Odyssey, personally to me was awesome. All they had to do was take out the darn random encounters, and stupid pointless/frustrating/irritating/unavoidable mini-games, and it would have been a AAA title. I mean c'mon, what were they thinking.
I guess what I'm trying to say is... WHEN ARE WE GETTING AN AWESOME JRPG? When are we getting that JRPG that will represent the genre this gen? I really don't know, because FFXIII just seems to be out of the question, and WhiteKnight looks horrible. Mistwalker's next game will be on Wii... so no dice there.
WHen is it? FFvXIII maybe? I think that's all there is left... :|
Not a chance of it being released and Nintendo would probably get murdered like they did with the last gen or i think there is alot of people on gs that loved and loves the gamecube, me personaly freaking loved it, and i think the wii kind of killed zelda and super smash bros for me,
i just think it would be realy cool if instead of nintendo releasing another motion sensored system released a new awesome Gamecube,
and personaly i think it would even have a chance of being in the league with the big boy....and girl (ps, sorry couldnt help it)
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