@luert: While I respect your opinion I must say leaning on the success of the movie is BS, most people went to see this because they wanted to see Batman fight Superman in a big budget film! The fact (arguably) the two biggest superheroes together in the height of superhero popularity didn't do better is a testament to its mediocrity, BvS should've been the biggest movie of all time and Ben Affleck is trying to boast it by saying it's the biggest of his career. Not trying to start a flame war just had to be said.
The "tone" of the film wasn't the problem, the execution was terrible, the writing was bad and there were so many plot holes trying to think of them all makes my head hurt X(
What about the original Rosalina? Between that hoarder buying dozens and Target breaking the street date I never had a shot. I found every other Amiibo at retail relatively easily (including all Fire Emblem characters) but no one ever brings up the one I can't track down : (
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