As for SEGA's success in the PC market you kind of made my point for me, why would Nintendo release games for Xbox and PlayStation when they can just make them for PC and smart phones? SEGA's console games have been poorly received with a few exceptions and all their great IP's have disappeared excluding Sonic.
I can't believe EA is still charging $50 for the season pass! Year old DLC should not cost Full price, or at the very least frequently discounted on sale.
@Thanatos2k: Nintendo used to put games on PC, besides smart phones and PCs are a different market then dedicated home game consoles.
BTW people used to say the same thing about SEGA, how did that work out? Do you really want a flood of mediocre third-party Mario games? (Because that's what we'll probably get it)
@Xirtahm: I once had an idea for a Superman game that might work. Consider a city or maybe world map full of small objectives, purse snatchers, bank robberies, out of control cars or bus. If the player decides to ignore problems the game gets progressively harder, larger scale disasters, out of control trains etc.
If Superman (you) deals with small objects the game will be much easier as he eventually defeat Lex Luther. If the player decides to do his own thing crime gets out of control the streets get filled with Dynasty Warriors level thugs. Superman will encounter more super villains like Brainiac, Doomsday or a full-scale apocalypse invasion led by Darkside making the game almost impossible. This mechanic could get annoying but in the right hands it could be a unique experience.
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