@Tangsta03: Yeah, it's kind of like the Batman movies from the late 80s-90s where the Villains were always played by more recognizable actors than Batman.
@proceeder: Thank you for saying that, Kojima games are memorable for their unique stories and impressive (sometimes long) cutscenes as well as fun gameplay.
DS is a very intriguing game, it looks like a Silent Hills and Metal Gear spiritual successor (which like many Kojima productions makes no sense on paper). I'm very excited to learn what's going on in this game and the crazy story that will probably leave me more confused than when I started by the end.
@sephirothswing: OK you're clearly a troll, you took a simple comparison between characters and made it into a personal crusade. Go crawl back under whatever bridge you came from kid I'm done wasting my time with you.
CoD IW sales must be pretty disappointing for it to continually be discounted? Don't give in, keep holding the line, eventually they'll have to unbundle Modern Warfare remastered!
@ratchet989: Yeah, if true I'm anxious to see what third-party games will come out.
I know it's technically not a GameCube game but I would love to see SoulCaliber 2 HD (with all exclusive characters) on the Switch! I've been holding off buying the game for years in hopes Nintendo would release a version with Link!!
@rglgathrawn: That's what I was thinking, what Nintendo "anything" supports Virtual Console GameCube games? Even the GameCube itself doesn't have an online store. Might've been an oversight but this rumors smells a little fishy : /
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