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farcorners Blog

Assassins Creed 3

This was a game I followed, and bought the first day it was out. I couldn't really get into it back in October - November, but thought it was because of the slow start, so I left it, and came back later when I thought I could just enjoy it for what it is... Now, April - May, I'm still finding it hard to get into. Is it the theme, the time it is set in, I don't know. I could get with the storyline of Revelations, but I just don't know about this one. Sure, the wilderness is beautiful, there are really tall hills, and there are dogs, chickens, and turkeys. Technically the games is excellent, and well polished, but maybe I'm finding this a little dumbed down. Go to place on map, push a few buttons, go somewhere else... zzzzzzzzz. I don't know what is missing here.

Got Atlantic

sim city social achievement : Atlantis is risen. I just got my once every 72 hours click on the atlantis building for a 1-3 diamond collection. No guesses.... I got 1. I can spend 3 diamonds to hurry up the next process, and click again. Does this even make sense? Does playing it at all make sense?

FKN sim social

They still screw you over and i still keep clicking... Invested far too much time in this already, but since i have, how can i admit i wasted my time by stopping?

Now Playing.....

Latest Game: The Long One

Latest Achievement : Long Rope. (allow opponents to hang themselves)

90% Achievements Reached

Next Achievement : Return Angel. (return the better leader to the fold)

Stupid Sim Unsocial.

So you wanna build a Zombie Shopping Center, right, not as if you even know what the thing will do for you or your city, or the fact that the final 'ingredient' to building it is knowing 5 people with enormous cities, and department stores. If you don't know 5, you are screwed. Yeeepeeeeee! F'n Halloween nightmare. Wanna buy the f'n Zombie centre for real money? Pfffukovv.

Still playing... Sim City Social.

The game never ends. There is always some other thing to build, the damn thing is a bit of a curse and a blessing. These 'just one last round' games always get me, although the stupid game forces breaks away, otherwise, pay money for extra energy. Speaking for myself, it can wait...

The Long Game

Latest Game: The Long One

Latest Achievement : Release The Detective

75% Achievements Reached

Next Achievement : Long Rope. (allow opponents to hang themselves)

Sim City, meh!

This is a bit or a rort game, but I'm still going on... despite everything.

It seems that the only time I ever 'lose connection' with the online game, which is described as "UPGRADING THE EXPERIENCE", is when I just got a great new item that I heavily need, and when I reload the game, that item is GONE.

Is this my crappy internet connection, or is something more insideous at work?

The End.

My only friend.

Orson Welles is credited with saying "A happy ending depends on where you stop the story"

Well, I am happy to say that I can finally see the end, and it is one that ought to be a happy one.

Then, it will be time to start a new story, (or a new chapter, in my life) and I am planning on living a great deal.

Coldplay is credited with singing "Life is for Living". It is about time to!