@Tomcat2007: "I think PC gaming can't survive long-term" sorry, but I've heard that statement hundreds of times ago during the last 20 years. Yes, console games looks great, but PCs still have the advantage of more FPS, resolution, mouse and kb for FPS and all the RTS games that consoles don't have. I have both a very nice PC (i7 7700, GTX1080) and a PS4 Pro and I love both so I know what I'm talking about. Also, look at the competitive scene and tell me if PCs are dying.
Getting back to OP statement, it's stupid. The fact that there are laptops with just one cooler more powerful than consoles (and probably his PC) proves him wrong.
@Spiritbomb2012: Space is cheaper than ever. Single player and multiplayer share most of the assets and there isn't any FMV rendered in single player so I doubt you would gain that much if they remove the single player.
Expect big things in both Grand Theft Auto Online and Grand Theft Auto V next year including: GTA Online Heists. We know many of you in the GTA Online community are super excited for the debut of co-operative Heists. Heists are currently in development and we are working very hard to get them as polished and as fun as they can be. Stay tuned for much more detail in the New Year.
GTAV Story Mode Updates. For those ready to jump back into the story of Grand Theft Auto V, we have big plans for substantial additions in 2014 continuing Michael, Franklin and Trevor's action, mayhem and unexpected adventures in Southern San Andreas."
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