You mean you didn't like The Last Airbender???
You mean you didn't like The Last Airbender???
What denomination are you? I'm non-denominational but I have somewhat Calvinistic beliefs.[QUOTE="fbstar57"]
I am a Christian and I feel completely embarrassed by posts like this. Please if you want to have a discussion about your faith, at least know the basic theology behind it. Learn a little bit about your beliefs before you want to share. Open your Bible and actually read it. Stop relying on the same Bible stories to try to force your ideas on people use actual Gospel sharing techniques in a loving way that is open to discussion. The fact that you don't know what omnipotent means is completely incredible. I am sorry everybody and if you would actually like to discuss please feel free to ask me anything.
I am a Christian and I feel completely embarrassed by posts like this. Please if you want to have a discussion about your faith, at least know the basic theology behind it. Learn a little bit about your beliefs before you want to share. Open your Bible and actually read it. Stop relying on the same Bible stories to try to force your ideas on people use actual Gospel sharing techniques in a loving way that is open to discussion. The fact that you don't know what omnipotent means is completely incredible. I am sorry everybody and if you would actually like to discuss please feel free to ask me anything.
Definitely not. For the better I think.
Thanks guys. Really helpful. I appreciate it. I figured I would have to confront the 18 year old eventually.
GTA_Dude, sorry man I was just asking for some advice. I hope your situation works out well for you in the end.
Here it is. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
I'm 19 years old. There are two girls ages 17 and 18 that are sisters. The 17 year old hasn't graduated high school yet. (Yes I think it's a little weird that I like her being underage and everything but I'm not interested in a sexual relationship.)
The 18 year old has basically been in love with me for the last 3 years. She dated my best friend for 6 months two years ago in order to spend more time around me when I was dating somebody else. She then broke up with him (really hurting him) but has still been basically obsessed with me ever since and thinks that one day she will have a chance with me once I want to start dating (I dated a girl for almost 2 years but I've been single for about 10 months).
She is really pretty but I'm not interested in being more than friends with her and her history with my best friend completely eliminates any chance. I had always thought that she had liked me but I have only recently become aware of her "obsession" for lack of a better word. Despite this, we are still really good friends and I care about her friendship. We hang out and talk a good amount.
I have really liked the 17 year old for about 9 months now. It hasn't been a really serious thing just kind of a one day maybe things could happen between us. We have been friends for about 4 years and been really good friends for the last 2. I basically started out as kind of an older brother to her but overtime it seems like things have grown beyond that. She is the greatest girl I've ever met and has all of the characteristics and traits that I would want in a woman as well as an excellent family that I truly enjoy being around and really likes me as well. We've been talking (skype, text, IM) throughout everyday for about a month now and I am 95% sure that she also likes me and wants us to be together one day. This has also basically been confirmed by her best friend.
The 17 year old went on a date with my younger brother once and they kissed once but there is no chance of anything else ever happening again (my brother is kind of a douche to girls).
I'm going home this weekend for five days. The 17 year old really wants to hang out while I'm home and especially on Valentine's Day (Neither of us has said that we like each other and as far as I'm concerned we are both just really good friends). The 18 year old just so happens to be going home this weekend as well and has also expressed interest in hanging out on Valentine's Day. I would not be surprised at all if she happened to express her feelings to me.
Now that you understand the basics of this weird love pentagram my question is what do I do?
I am perfectly capable of waiting a year or two for the 17 year old girl and she has also hinted about "waiting for the right guy" (aka me). I do not want to date a high schooler but I still want her to kind of know that I care I guess. And I have no idea what to do about the 18 year old. Multiple people (my very close friends included) have told her that there is no chance but she has blown them all off as being selfish or jealous of how I hang out with her. I want the 18 year old to know that I'm not interested in her but I'm afraid that if I talk to her directly it will make for a massively awkward situation.
Also, I'm afraid that if word gets out that I like the 17 year old there could be a massive family brawl between the sisters of some sort. The 17 year old will not tell her sister her feelings and will basically not start any sort of relationship with me if her sister is in the way.
Please help. This could be a very awkward weekend. Let me know if you have any advice or questions I can answer. Apologies for the wall of text.
Hey all,
I don't post on this forum but I have been around for a long time reading the interesting stuff that gets posted on Gamespot (Mostly in System Wars and here in OT). I recently just came across this blog and thought that it was absolutely necessary (and hilarious) to share this with you. The comments are gold. Check it out for your own safety (and for some laughs.) I'm not sure if this guys is serious but apparently he pays for ad space on google and stuff so I think he might be. Watch out for those pinatas, they'll get yeah.
So... The question is: Are you down with pinatas?
You can follow me on twitter @RyanBenander
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