Five? Ouch. Well to each their own. I personally love the feel of the game and the era it is set in. Kind of like a mash up of BioShock and Lost in Shadow. =P It's a pretty neat indie game in my opinion.
I respect Carolyn and she makes very valid points and all. However it is my personal feeling that just about every Grand Theft Auto game ever has been bith "polotically muddled" and somewhat "misgynistic" as it goes hand-in-hand with their mockery of society type humor. It's part of the package and obviously somethhg that is going to be part of the game from the start. That and just aboit every other contraversy but it is just a game in the end. A darn amazingly great game at that which Carolyn also expresses in this review.
So much for treating gamers like mature adults (the adults who play them I mean) and good to see that R18+ classification is stopping us from banning games. Oh wait...
Know what? Seriously. F**k you Australian ratings board. I have officially lost all hope in you now.
A fee for used games? So if I buy the console I will be punished for buying second hand games. Nice one Microsoft. I know we need to support companies and developers but surely you have a smarter solution than that. It seems to be this "attack the pre owned games!" type of approach these days with some companies which is really making my PC look better and better as a gaming choice personally. Not because I am biased but because it seems to be the one with the fairest and smartest choices. Which in itself could be saying a lot but that's a whole other story right there.
All I can say is that this is pretty ironic coming from a writer of one of the most over-the-top violent video games available on the market. There's good and bad in all creations and good and bad in all intentions. But if we didn't have the games, the movies, etc, then we would have a coliseum, an arena, a boxing ring because, as humans, violence is, for better or for worse, a part of our lives as it has been since the beginning of our time. I hear about this and read about this so often in my life that it's like a broken record. If it's such an issue then maybe you need to create other media forms. Oh but there's a slight problem. Violence sells. The facts speak for themselves (Call of Duty anyone?).
@DredWulf @Joeasdfghjkl @farstrung @Max42 I am educated enough in American politics to state many facts about it but I am enough to say that I will have to say DredWulf is right.
@Joeasdfghjkl Also thank you pointing out my concept of the NRA. You're actually right, I wasn't thinking right when I posted my comment. I was just frustrated that once again video games are blamed for someone else's wrong doings.
feral_warrior's comments