in spite of being a free game, new patches keep coming with almost no new features or improve severe game ruining issues. Stopped playing last month, probably never will play it again. The suckiest support I've seen lately.
it all depends on how linear it is. if it is a hallway survival simulator like outlast it wont work. it needs to be convoluted complex and harsh like the first REs. Letme give you an example: "this door is locked" <turns around 90º and picks up key> <proceeds to next area>.
@skipper847: a game which has been there a long time, through many years and many platforms, which can be used to probe the past and be witness of how the video game industry has become more and more superfluous and vain since its humble beginnings.
@indigoj: I was thinking ht same thing. this game is about traveling and exploration. its about being a space nomad, and the main new feature of the first update is a freaking anchor to not move anywhere and hoard useless stuff.
ferna1234's comments