@games2525: well to be fair, for a veteran who has already been through DS and DSII anything new will be less challenging than for some souls virgin, but still, yes, some bosses were litteraly button-mashable.
wouldn't it be cool if they fixed important issues like constant crashes and freezes? but hey, now pokemon eggs have colors! that cool for the devs working a whole month for that.
@donjuancorleone: watch a movie called "5 centimeters per second" and you'll understand to which point is romantic love idealized in japan. No wonder girls aren't disposed to get along with boys with those ridiculous high standards.
ok, a few commercials, and teasers and feature showcases are ok, but i think releasing the first 15 hours of a game is way too much. When this thing comes out what surprises are going to be left? FFXV seems like a low self esteem teenager who needs to be reassured he is ok and then shits his pant at the prom night.
after playing pokemon go for many weeks, I noticed it was a game a lot more about bearing with bugs like Nicholas Cage does on the horrible reboot of the film "the wickerman" than any actual fun. Niantic should focus more on fixing the many issues that makes pokemon go almost unbearable to play than implementing useless niggling features if they don't want to go extinct.
ferna1234's comments