@dexda: Id' rather see text announcements on the left top of the screen rather than hearing that monotonous, tottaly out of context annoyance of a voivceda nnouncer. Still, there's a million other creative ways of announcing or giving hints on certain stuff. The fact that there has to be a voice telling you stuff that is happenning in front of your eyes is an indicator of lameness.
Mythbusters without Adam and Jamie would be like taking the pasta out of the spaghetti and still call it spaghetti. Alow this great show to die respectfully.
@EternalUniverse: your vision of people who do drugs is absolutely wrong. With that whole paragraph, you're not making any point but exposing your tottaly biased, ignorant, personal opinion and your obious lack of experience with drugs and people who use them. You're depicting addicts, which is a tottaly different thing to "users". I'd dare to say that at least HALF of all the people, be it free lance or profesional in the creative industry has done, or does regular drugs and or alcohol. That does not imply they have no dicipline or motivation whatsoever. You're speaking from hate and disgust rather than actual objective information, which leads to an undebatable enviroment of discussion. I'd like to ask YOU to be open minded, and from your sober point of view, to explore realities different to yours and try to understand them, rather than speculating and hating.
ferna1234's comments