@jenovaschilld: SSDs should be used as boot drives only. Getting HDD's on raid is cheap, fast and has A LOT more volume than ssds. Unless you're filthy rich and can afford to populate all your satas with unpayable 1tb ssds
@saintgreyjoy25: moden movies are made in order to have nice trialers. most possibly all you're going to get to see that's not on a trailer when you go the cinema will be very bland a boring dialogues.
@omotih: u know the difference between fictional characters with big breasts in a video game and porn? When you see a woman with big breasts in the street you feel like you're watching porn?
@Kunakai: its a freaking game, the could be no floor and it could work just as well. They're fictional characters created by capcom, they're free to make them how the hell they want. It is not about making sense, its about some kind of bullying revenge from a handfull frustrated women. I understand gender violence is a horrible thing, but you wont help any beaten woman by reducing cup sizes in videogames. Parents play a much bigger role there than some asian artists.
ferna1234's comments