a new series of assassin's creed that goes from 1100 backwards into the stone age instead of onto the future.
starfox 64 was a wonderfull game. but SF kind of went overboard after that one. I'd love to see it come back in style.
@ballashotcaller @bonzaibillie_99 then at least don't preorder, just rent it for the weekend at a blockbuster.
@wolfsrun macs are not for gaming. they're for bragging your hipsterness at starbucks only. any other use will be buggy and unsuferable.
@ggregd read your comment and found myself indentified with the kind of character you descrived trough legwear. had to laugh cuz its true.
so, its multiplayer and social but its not an MMO, its in third person and you shoot, but its not a third person shooter... wow such new concepts are these ubisoft guys bringing in.....
ferna1234's comments