lets hope it stays that good looking (cough cough dark souls 2 cough cough) and it also is fun and interesting to play. cuz you know, cool visuals ain't everything
@iloveyourface how? its qute simple, consoles are 2-3 year old PCs encased in a branded casings. Anything that works fine on consoles at 30 fps and 1080p now, will work on PC, but in 4k and 60 fps, 2 years before, always. Because they showed console examples on this video, does not mean it is not happening on pc. You've got to rememember, that ALL console games are developed in PCs, and then downgraded and optimized to bear with a specific console's limitations. You really need to take off thosee console love vision goggles you've got attached to your head, and start apreciating them for being cheap and easy to use, because graphicswise, and posibilitieswise, PC will always be on top because of freaking LOGIC.
the same that's happening with smash bros. nintendo is at a stall. same games over and over again, but with a freaking load of new superficial content.
ferna1234's comments