@mixedbizness @ferna1234 yah, they need to add some recognoizable characters to the mix to hit the memorable bell. Its gonna be "Man did you play call of duty Kevin spacey? -nah, I went for battlefield Morgan Freeman."
I've played many call of duties, and sincerely, I don't recall any of their stories, hell the content of this video didn't even awake any memories of them! Don't know if my memory or attention span is bad, or call of duty's story is just so unimportant my brain just gets rid of it.... that or.. I played the battlefields.. geez, its the same thing with different name...
In my opinion, videos are not the ideal media to compare. Videos are usually filtered and compressed, depending which software you used to record, and then uploaded and compressed again. The ideal would be (I'm pretty sure I did see this method here on gamespot and I dunno why the didn't keep it) a few HD screenshot of many situations, each taken from every plataform, overlapped, and with sliders to mask and demask and compare details side to side.
im liking this game more than i thought, but i still think that countering makes you quasi-invincible. you can easily beat up 10+ consecutive orcs with just s bit of patience and counters without getting harmed.
ferna1234's comments