Does a timeless film need a reboot? In my opinion no. An expansion could be cool if animatrix wasn't enough. But as it sounds, this just another proof of how short on ideas Hollywood (if you can still call the hole that poops movies nowadays that) has come to be.
@sonicare: playing this on a distant TV on consoles may hurt your eyes due to intensive long distance reading. You'd be beter off playing it on a kindle.
@p1p3dream: I'm not making that comment in representation of my inner self or my own understanding of society. It is a mere description of the world I see around me. Tell me if it is otherwise and I'm mistaken. Jokes are jokes and offenses are offenses. Actually, I strongly think that one of the best ways to come close to discussing awkward topics is to approach trough humor. Getting too serious about JOKES is giving racism (or the ISM involved) extra space to happen. To be offended by things that are meant to be just funny is as hateful and intolerant as intolerant and hateful statements. The internet and even older media are full of jokes about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, about the Khmer rogue, about the US police killing Black people, about the Spanish inquisition etc, all being awkward topics regarding religion race and criminal offenses yet it is always the antisemitic ones that get the longest and more intensified attention spans. Why? Who the hell knows. If I'm wrong here please tell me and I will shut up and keep my internet image clean just for you honey.
Please forgive me if this comment is waaaay too antisemitic, but why can people joke about Black people, fat people, ugly people, drunk people, albino people, Indian people, Canadian people, etc, but when someone dares to make the slightest joke about Jews, everyone is offended to the power of ten and the joker is accused and takes legal charges? Are jews's asses so freaking sensitive to spice?
ferna1234's comments