[QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"]People consider it silly because it does not agree with evolution. Anything that doesn't is an ignorant douche bag these days; Didn't ya hear?:roll:Decessus
There are three types of people who believe evolution to be false; the ignorant, the unintelligent, and the deceitful.
You either believe evolution to be false because you simply don't know any better because you haven't done any of the research, for whatever reason you are not intelligent enough to understand the evidence presented, or you are purposefully being misleading because you have an ulterior motive that does not involve finding the truth.
Evolution is a fact. Evolution is the change in the allele frequency of a population over time. That this happens is indisputable and is as much a fact as water being wet and ice being cold.
Evolution should not be confused with the theory of evolution. They are two entirely different things. The theory of evolution is essentially an explanation as to how evolution occurs. It deals with natural selection, gene flow, genetic drift, ect. and how much each one of these mechanisms affects the overall evolution of a population.
One of the implications of the theory of evolution and evolution in general is that we are all descended from a common ancestor. Of course this is the part that most monotheists have a problem with. It's a pretty big contradiction to biblical creation if humans and apes both evolved from a common ancestor. The theory of common decent however is just as much supported by scientific evidence as anything else in science that gets classified as a theory. In fact, this theory is one of the most supported theories in all of science. There is a reason that the theory of evolution is considered the cornerstone of modern biology.
If I thought it would do any good, I would gladly show you irrefutable evidence that shows the common ancestory between apes and humans, but it would just be a waste of time. Most people simply do not want to open up their minds to the possibility that a belief that they have held onto for most of their lives could in fact be erronous and in need of serious alterations. I personally do not believe in God, but I do know that the theory of evolution and the idea of there being a God are not mutually exculsive. You simply do yourself an injustice, and you do your faith an injustice, when you continue to argue against established scientific principles.
My aunt is a christian,oh yeah, she a professor of marine biology at a prestigous private college.She's published (multiple times)and has been active inresearch for over 20 years. Funny she doesn't fit into the three categories you stated. My best friend was a chemical engineer/analyst with HP's (agilent) life science division for over 15 years. He used to repair dupont's, oak ridge andmajor hospital's (eg Vanderbuilt) equipment. Most recently hetraveled last year to Mongolia to help the government set up an analysis program for the country's imported vetenarian medicines. HeCHOSE go on that two week trip because China was sending fake or half strength medicine into Mongolia and the their animals were dying.Oh by the way he's a evangelical christian doesn't belief in evolution but creationism. your right he's probably, ignorant, unintelligent. Oh he has to be decietful because he "deceived" HP (their VP because thats who he presented to in Japan) into giving a fellowship to a university so he obtain a doctorate.
Your post above ispuredogma.
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